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Thanks to everyone for waiting on me while I finish out my second to last semester of college! This build mostly has a lot of balance changes and bug fixes, along with the new status icon for the player and a few other various changes. The player collision has been completely rebuilt again which has fixed about every known bug with the new jumpthru platforms, and SHOULD safeguard against many possible future bugs. I've tested it about as rigorously as I can, but please let me know if you find any other bugs involving player collision! Enemies will eventually need to use it as well so it's important that it works properly.
Full changes are in the included changelog and will be posted in the discord!


45.94 MB file on MEGA



This game's development is moving along really well! Only suggestion I'd make is alternate animations for eating the little mech pilots and health items. Rather that tossing them in the air she could physically pick them up and shove them down her throat. Otherwise, looking forward to 0.6.0!


Thanks!! The toss n gulp animation being used for the pilots was largely for functionality purposes with how eating enemies is currently handled (or more in particular, functionality with getting hit while trying to eat AND for making it so I don't have to render a seperate animation for every different type of pilot, especially as the pilot type will eventually matter for how they behave and what they can do). That said, I plan on adding tons of alternate animations in the future - namely alternate swallow, idle, and taunt animations, though not limited to this. Right now I'm going for functionality more than anything, polish/flavor animations and details will be added down the line!