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Howdy howdy! OC-centric content this time around

#1- Blake Berry: Felt like drawing Blake amidst a lot of my Poff and Evan's this month. Also, I wanted to experiment with some overlays and color effects.

#2, #3, #4- Evan Berry x3: I mentioned in my previous post how I was gonna draw many Evan Berries. And I did. The first two of these I actually tried to fit into the comic but couldn't. The third however is my original sketch. It didn't have dialogue, it didn't have a lot of detail or eccentricies. But I still wanted to include it because I'm proud of how clean it turned out lol

#5: Another drawing of a particular niche goth character I am fond of getting round. That's it. That's the description. Took a break from the color blue to draw a bit of bloating and some boobs n such.

#6: Consider this the secret ending/aftermath of Poff and Evan's pride month swap, also (does a little jazz hands) some oc lore. Everette and Evan know one another although they are not friends, and Poff tends to get excited and talkative with Lotte. I have yet to properly introduce herself publicly but she does indeed exist. (And also I want to draw more girls.)

Anyways, sorry these descriptions are so short, I'm not feeling very well so my brain is a littleee bit fried haha. Words are hard. But I hope yall enjoy the art and let me know what your thoughts are if you wanna! Once again, Happy Pride Month!




These are really nice, it is indeed a nice change seeing Evan round and being a sub!