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brain: why haven't you drawn a berrying of evan yet
me: bc evan isn't a big inflatee
brain: but then you can show off soft top Poff
me: outta my fuckin way-

Before anyone asks, I was planning on making this a full-fledged comic but then I realized I would never finish it time for the deadline and I didn't want to delay it, so I had to leave out parts I liked and color and shade the most important part at the end: Evan berry.

Overall, I hope this comic-esque series of images is enjoyed! I tried some new sketching techniques and tried more comic panel formats, I thought it'd might help add context for some things. I think I will stick with a different style, something about the page style cant rest well in my brain haha. Experiments experiments, all are fun

Anyhow- This is my first time drawing Evan as a berry! I was plagued with the idea of Poff being all sweet and doting towards his bf getting all big n blue.
Normally inflationary stuff doesn't happen with Evan bc it doesn't really work for him due to the healing properties in his blood kinda just. reversing whatever effects occur. Though there are exceptions (like Shun's more stronger enchantments and elixers.) Its my oc lore, I get to make the modifications accordingly to what I'd like :)

But when he does swell up, its not too common because he gets overwhelmed easily when Poff takes initiative. Evan's usually so stoic, but its difficult maintaining composure when you're under pressure. (wink wink I think I'm funny). Nevertheless Poff sees the mushy gushy mess Evan turns into as an absolute delight.

Also compared to the others, I think Evan would have a much more taut berry. He hasn't berried up enough times to have a lot of give, so things would be a bit tighter ig.

I might illustrate some more sketches of Evan berried/Poff teasing and such because its just so much fun. Just don't expect Evan to become a main candidate of swelling as Poff, Blake, or the other characters who usually bloat, I don't wanna disappoint people too badly. But I will say that this probably wont be the last time I draw Evan bloobed.

Anyways, Happy Pride!




They're so cute! Such lovely shapes and shading!