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Hi there everyone. 

So I wanted to get a few things out there.

Chapter postings of Library will happen Tuesday through Friday. I am aiming for 4 weekly chapters. 

As of today (in about an hour), depending on your tier, you'll have access to chapter 25, 29, or 34. 

I aim to have the newest chapters up by 9am Central Time.

If I can work in extra chapters I will. If I can increase the advanced chapters availabe per tier, I will. But those are goals for now and not yet reality.

Any feedback, comments, or suggestions are welcome.

Thank you all for being here.

Much love



Joshua Moody

Giving yourself a time that can be consistent without putting to much pressure is ideal for release schedule. Having goals to motivate is wonderful, just don't let them interfere with your ability to be productive. You being at your best is more important. (((Hugs)))