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Yay! We have our first applicant!

That was fast, wasn't it? Okay so... in Patreon for some reason, I can't import different colored text for the system. I'm not sure why. Now that Quinn has a deeper connection with the Library she'll have some italicized internal speech. 

So I'm underlining the System portion of the Library notifications. Hope that makes sense.



Chapter 34

First Applicant

Before Quinn could say anything, Lynx materialized right in front of her. "Ah, a Salosier, I should have expected you'd be the first to answer the advertisement," he smiled. "Come forward, come forward, what's your name?"

"Narilin," she said.

Quinn couldn't take her eyes away from the way Narilin moved. She was languid, like a tree, sort of like a weeping willow. When the wind bent the boughs and blew the leaves ever so gently. Narilin moved forward and placed what looked to be a piece of paper, and yet somehow it had a material quality to it, on the counter. Lynx glanced at it.

"Quinn," he said, "come over here."

"Hi, Narilin," Quinn said, feeling the word a little alien on her tongue. It sounded like Narilin, but it lingered there, like maybe it had its very own power.

Narilin bowed in front of her. "I received notification of the Library's imminent reopening,"

Quinn raised an eyebrow at the archaic speech pattern. "Yeah, we hope to be opening soon. We need some assistance first, though."

Narilin smiled. It was beautiful, like a summer's day, like fresh new leaves. It sent sensations running through Quinn. It was a very wholesome experience, even just speaking to their guest.

"Quinn, place one hand on the application," Lynx said, in a low tone, half under his breath.

She placed her left hand on it, and all of a sudden an input of information flooded her mind. Narilin was 297. She was top of her graduating class, and she was female. She also had every single one of the 16 requirements they had outlined in the application.

The Library flagged it as exemplary.

"Wow. What's next?" She turned to Lynx expectantly.

He shrugged. "That’s up to you? Do you like her?"

Quinn glanced between the two of them, as if she wanted to ask him, why would you say that in front of her? But Lynx didn't always have the best ability to read people.

"Well, I think maybe we should sit down for a minute and talk." Quinn gestured beyond the check in desk to the newly tidied seating areas.

"I would love that," Narilin said in that clear, beautiful voice.

For a second, Quinn felt a little overwhelmed by Narilin's presence, and then she realized that perhaps there was some sort of charismatic element to this species. She'd remember to ask Lynx.

You know you can ask me in your head and then nobody hears us, right?

Yeah. She'd forgotten about that. Okay then, is she using charisma?

She's not not using it, but you're right, the Salosier are very influential. I wouldn't call it manipulation, but their very presence soothes and gives you sort of a new lease on life.

Wow, regenerative?

In a manner of speaking. Lynx replied.

"Okay then," Quinn clapped her hands together softly, eager to get to know her new assistant. "Let's go and talk."

Each step Narilin sounded like the whooshing of leaves in autumn. Very soft, even with that sort of lingering leafy smell. Not the rotting vegetation type. They'd had enough of that in the Library with the engorged bookworms.

They made their way about twenty feet in to one of the couch sectionals with separate armchairs on each side of a coffee table. Quinn sat in one of the armchairs while Narilin took the couch. Lynx practically hovered around them. Quinn shot him a sideways glance.

She wanted to...oh wait, she could. Why are you here?

Because I'm the Library. You're a new librarian interviewing a new assistant and I thought you could use some help.

Supervision, you mean. Quinn hoped speaking in her mind didn’t change her facial expressions.

You know, potato, potahto. Lynx flashed a grin.

Quinn had to suppress a laugh. She hadn't expected to hear that expression here. Taking a mildly deep breath, she remembered the two interviews she’d be on the other side of in her life. It was all the experience she had to pull from.

She got herself in hand and did her best to speak in an even tone. "Okay, Narilin. What reasons do you have for wanting to be an assistant?"

The very tree-like being paused. And Quinn was pretty sure she cocked her head to one side.

"I have heard stories of the Library since I was very young. My entire family has been guarding the books that we borrowed before the Library closed temporarily. We did not expect it to take this long for the Library to reopen. I did bring all of the books with me that my family had borrowed." She paused and removed a massive stack of books from her holding ring followed by a second stack of books and a third.

Quinn's mouth dropped open. It had to be about maybe sixty odd books.

"You have a big family, I take it?" Quinn asked, already feeling some relief that a lot of the books might come back to them on their own.

Narilin inclined her head. "Yes, our family is very large. These are just the beginning. I am having the rest rounded up while I speak to you."

Quinn simply loved the fact that they already had these books. Surely they could check them in and begin filling the system past its low spot? She glanced over at Lynx. Can we just give this girl the assistant job?

Lynx seemed to be fighting a smile as he shot back another thought at her. Well, technically yes, she fulfills all the criteria that we sent out, but are you sure you don't wish to get to know her better? You will be spending a lot of time together.

Quinn felt she could get a pretty good read on a person, or being. Even with these species she’d never encountered before. Narilin didn’t make her gut twinge, so Quinn would go with her gut. She cleared her throat.

"Okay,” Quinn pulled up the information in her HUD with a though, pleased to see the application appear before her.” You have the language abilities of absorption, retention, expression, pronunciation. Well, you seem to be completely and utterly qualified with all sixteen affinities we listed when we only needed three. What other qualifications do you have?"

Narilin smiled again and Quinn could have sworn she felt a breath of fresh air rush past her.

"I love books. I am exceptionally adept at handling papers and repairing books and trees and plants. I can definitely help in the tome creation or the tome reparation sections, if that is something that would assist the Library."

Quinn paused. That wasn't just going to assist the Library, that was going to be a big bloody help to the Library. She nodded. "Okay, I think we should be good."

She looked at Lynx who gave her a very slight nod of acceptance. "Well then, Narilin, I’d like to welcome you to the Library as our first assistant."

There was a clearing of a throat followed by a very theatrical cough. "Excuse me," Dottie said. "She's not the first."

“Ah, yes, my mistake,” Quinn couldn't help the grin that spread across her face. "Meet Dottie, Narilin."

Narilin looked at Dottie, frowning ever so slightly. "Oh, you are a superellex futora," she said, and there was a glimmer of interest in her eyes. "I have only ever read about you in books or heard in stories. I believe we are distantly related. Cousins, if you will.

Then she paused, leaned forward and studied Dottie unashamedly. “ You are not what I was expecting."

Dottie, despite having literally no facial features, frowned. "Well, I am definitely here and definitely real," the bench said very proudly and perhaps somewhat offended.

Narilin sat back. “I do apologize. I did not mean to offend you.”

Before Dottie could bite out a retort, Malakai strode in. "And I am Malakai, a partially willing assistant to the librarian."

Narilin raised an eyebrow very delicately. "Why would you only be partially willing?"

Malakai stopped, as if he really had to think about that. "Well, I guess I am actually willing then. I just... my grandfather made me volunteer."

Narilin chuckled. "The library has a way of getting under your skin, as is the term I think you would use. My people have revered the Library for a very, very long time. We were often a part of its larger purpose." She then turned, dismissing Malakai, to Quinn and Lynx. "My family would like it if you could consider more of us as assistants as time goes past. Several of my cousins are almost at a stage where they will qualify, not quite as abundantly as myself, but very convincingly."

Lynx nodded, and Quinn wondered why she had to ask that. Is there a familial restriction on how many people work in the Library, Lynx?

Lynx shook his head ever so slightly, and then apparently thought to elaborate. No, no we don't have that, but the Salosier are very particular about politeness and decorum and etiquette. They do not wish to appear indecorous, I guess you would say. They are fully aware of the effect their presence has on people and know not everyone is appreciative of it.

Quinn shrugged internally. Well, I can't think of a better feeling to have in a library than a sense of peace and tranquility that makes you want to sit down and absorb every bit of knowledge you can get your hands on.

I knew there was a reason I liked you. He thought at her before speaking out loud. “I think we could definitely accommodate your family in the future. We are still waiting on at least another two qualified applicants. You are almost overqualified as an assistant. But considering your extensive experience with restoration, we’d love it if you’d join us here."

Something like a beam of sunlight seemed to swish through Narilin’s hair. The leaves rustled and she radiated happiness. "This is a dream come true. We believed the Library still existed. I think we would have felt its absence more than most. Thank you for this. As my family gathers more of the books, I will make sure that you receive them.”

Quinn was curious now. “Can I ask how many books your family borrowed?"

"Oh, we were very frequent visitors to the Library. My entire family is approximately 427 people large now. Though it was much smaller then. It has definitely grown since the Library was last open. I believe we have another 267 books we will be returning.”

“On top of this stack here?” Quinn blurted out incredulously.

“Yes. You see my grandmother was very set on opening her own Solosien delicacy establishment and we do still have more than a hundred very specific and advanced culinary books that I hope you have a place for. Even if," she glanced around, "even if the branches aren't here?"

She seemed very confused and Quinn, for one, wanted to know how the hell she knew that.

But Lynx beat her to the punch with a huge grin on his face. "Yet. It’s not reactivated yet. I've always loved the Salosier connection to the tomes and the Library itself."

He turned to Quinn. "Their species can essentially feel and sense anything that's come from trees or plants. They have a very tender and dedicated relationship with books and their upkeep. And thus, it trickles over to the Library itself."

"Okay then," Quinn said. She'd never interviewed anybody for a position in her life and had no idea what she was supposed to be doing. Her only experience was her high school fast food position, and the library reshelving she’d done once she got to the university. Which was nothing like it was here.

Books seemed to do what they were told here.

However, she assumed that she would need to have Misha show Narilin around so that Narilin would know the layout of the Library and where everything belonged. Getting used to being in charge of other people was foreign to her, but she’d handle it. Just as she was about to speak, a notification popped up.

Library Assistant accepted: Narilin Jenishu’Salosier

Proceed to console to complete the registration process.

Quinn shrugged. That was perfect timing. "Okay then.Let's take you to the check-in desk and get you, I guess, attuned with the system," she added.

Link snorted, probably amused by her self-satisfied expression. Don't think these applicants are all going to be this easy. I must admit I was sincerely hoping we would find a Salosier who was qualified. This blew away my expectations. Narilin is the epitome of what you want in an assistant without having actual librarian potential. Damn it I wish she had one of the Library affinities.

Still can’t figure out why that’s happening? Quinn asked.

No. Lynx’s answer was curt and he changed the subject. I assume there might be some more Salosiers, but she is probably going to be your most qualified candidate. Now we just have to wait and see who else comes. This was extremely fast."

Okay, so it wasn't just me. This happened within, what, a couple of hours? Quinn asked.

Yeah, I was not expecting it to go quite that fast. But Salosiers are very attuned to the Library’s wavelength, not just in a magical way, but into what the Library holds. Link replied.

Yeah, I gathered that. Okay, let's return these books to the Library. Quinn said amazed at how much faster it was to speak mind to mind. Time barely even passed.

At the speed of thought! She chuckled internally.

Tim and Tom were suddenly there, picking up the massive stacks of books and bringing them over to the counter area. Just as quickly, they were gone. Quinn, Lynx, and Narilin clambered into the check-in desk and Quinn glanced at Link questioningly.

"Okay, Quinn, left hand on this indent. And Narilin, your left palm on this indent," Link instructed, taking his cue.

It was the first time Quinn noticed the Salosier's fingers. There were many more than five, and they were like beautifully manicured little branches. Nine. Nine long and delicate fingers, probably better for handling all the books with. As their palms hit the indents, the HUD flashed up in front of their faces.

New library assistant candidate: Narilin Jenishu’Salosier

Protocol seven initiated.




Not only did the words appear in front of Quinn’s face, but a voice echoed throughout the Library. A slight trill and several chimes rang out.

Scan completed

Candidate accepted

Awaiting approval of librarian

Quinn gave her assent.

Librarian assistant, Narilin Jenishu’Salosier activated

A whoosh of air ran around all of them that stood in the check-in desk area.

"That's it," Link said out loud.

Narilin pulled her hand back, looking at it as she spread her fingers out thoughtfully. "I expected there would be a far more magnanimous procession to becoming a library assistant," she said, shrugging with a rustling of leaves. "But it is good. For now, there is more time to spend with the books. Do you have a book hospital wing? I imagine, after such a vast amount of time has passed, that some of your books are in dire need of care."

Quinn nodded, wondering why she hadn’t had to register Dottie and Malakai. "Yeah, they're..." and Misha was suddenly there standing at attention and ready to take over.

Quinn was really going to have to get used to people just popping up in the Library.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Much love




I wanted to see her react to the amount of books in the book hospital


A lot of stuff stopped working after update on parteon. Its like 2-3 months. Links, colors some pictures just dont work anymore. Nice novel btw :D

K.T. Hanna (Arithion)

Ohhhh that explains a lot. Thanks for that. Gotta love the updates that break things haha I'm so glad you're enjoying the story! I'm really excited for the next chapters