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So... my own answer to that question is that 2023 has been a year of ups, downs, and way too busy a schedule that has had nothing to do with writing.

My Yonder Venture is complete. The trilogy is available over at the Yonder app in its entirety and I'll be able to publish it in a little under 2 years.

I had to make an emergency trip to Australia in March, and then deal with changing my daughter's school due to circumstances beyond our control, and then summer started - where I've barely stopped.

I'm now finding myself with a lot of time on my hands - very suddenly. And I have new story ideas and new directions to take myself creatively, and I'm finally ready to sit down and create again.

That being said, I am pausing the August cycle as well. I've really tried to not charge people for work I haven't been giving them. But I have a plan and am aiming to actually have a schedule shortly.

I haven't been the creator I've wanted to be for about 18 months now, and I appreciate those of you who have hung around more than you can ever know. Thank you. So very very much.

To that end my patreon is being fully revamped.

If you are here and on a tier, you will be legacy locked into that tier and no one else will have access to what you do. I want to say thank you, and that's the best way I know how.

In a few weeks I will begin posting my current work in progress. I cannot tell you how excited I am about this one. Here's a tiny hint at what's ahead:

Magical Library

I hope you hang around to find out.

I can't wait to share it with you all.

Much love.




Hope everything becomes better for you. You are amazing and don't worry. You are totally worth the wait.