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Hey there wonderful people who've stuck around.

You may notice that you won't get charged for Patreon again this month.

That's because what I've been working on for the last six months has been something I cannot share on my Patreon due to the contract I'm signed under. I will be able to share it in a couple of years... but that's not really helping any of us.

I do want you to know that I have been working. I've written almost 3 books (around 260k words) in the last 6 months despite life kicking me several times with good aim lol.

This month (April) I plan to begin drafting SAAU 4

Once this happens, you'll receive chapters - as usual - as they are written.

They will all be in super first draft form. They will be rough and tumbled. And very likely resemble word vomit.

I want to thank you all for sticking around, and April will see the start of me sharing my content again.

I hope you've all had a pleasant start to 2023. This is not an April Fool haha.

Much love



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