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Hey there everyone

I am currently working on a top-secret book. Taking part in a publishing derby where all the participants are given a book cover and must bring a story inspired by said cover (including title) to life. We cannot tell anyone who we are.

Because it's under the pen name that is also on the cover. No one is supposed to know who we are (except of course the organizers). So that's what I'm writing right now.

However, I also have some stories I want to share with you all.

We will begin posting these next week and I'm super excited to send them out into the world... well, the world of Patreon. I'll be organizing the chapters and my tiny team will help me set them all up so you continue to get some great content.

Also - I will be brainstorming the future of SAAU with Tao in July/August. We plan on having a 4-6 ARC, but still, need to determine the exact direction we're going in. While I sincerely hope to have book 4 out in maybe December? I'm not about to promise it. 

But, SAAU 4 rough draft chapters should begin appearing around  September/October for you all as well.

As for my life? It's summer break which means the kid is home all the time. It also means I'm getting up at 4:20 am in order to have any time to work on prose at all.

Oh, the joys of summer.

And in other news - I will be drafting this at some time over the next 6 months. Just a little Novella all about Telvar in the wake of Somnia 7.

Yeeeeep. I'm going there. Right now it'll be exclusive to you guys here on Patreon Bard and up!

How are you all doing? 

Much love to all of you




Have fun and enjoy the time away with your secret projects. Don't stress about SAAU I don't mind if it takes a back burner to solo projects. But more importantly don't stress enjoy everything and relax. If it helps take a vacation or two

K.T. Hanna (Arithion)

Yes! We had a vacation with the whole family (like grandparents, aunts and uncles), and next week we're going with our best friends and their kids to Florida. Gonna be a bit of a road trip, but we're excited. I'll need a vacation when I get back