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Hi wonderful people!

SAAU3 is out in the world now. I'm a little behind sending out the ebook to those of you who get it, and for that I apologize, it'll come in the next day or two.

With the first arc of SAAU wrapped up, I will be taking a short break (around 3 months) from working on SAAU. I love this world, but it is a shared world and not one of my own. So I'll be diving into some of my own work.

I'll also be taking part in the Inkfort Press Publishing Derby 2022. Which means what I'll be writing will be TOP SECRET (as part of the rules). When I can, I promise I'll share that with you.

In the meantime I'll be posting some more of Fodder, and some tidbits of other works in progress I have going in order to gauge interest of what I might release in the future. I plan to start working on SAAU around September again. 

I'll keep updating and checking in, sharing art and maybe memes too

Thank you all for being here.



Well I suggest a vacation, maybe a beach, an ocean view hotel and some relaxing time with the hubs and the kiddo. I for one would love to see your new world(s). Have fun and excitement. Don't worry about me, I will keep the lights on and the fire burning for when you get back to posting.

K.T. Hanna (Arithion)

Thank you hon. We are actually going to the lake with my husband's family for a week this Friday. And then to Florida with friends at the end of June. I need to refill that cup something fierce.

Justin Zaun

Just curious if there’s an eta on audio 😀 👂 also, breaks / change of pace is always a good thing. Needs to recoup and clear the mind at times :)