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Seriously, the first month of 2021 has just been a whirlwind. Online schooling is great and all, but dang, we had to prepare for multiple testings, and assessments, and for the semester to be rounded out so we could start the new one. Amidst all of that the kiddo had two (very well controlled and COVID cleaning prioritized) gymnastics meets, and I barely had time to breathe.

This leads me to today.

This is the start of my new year, and I'm prioritizing myself. My writing time. My me time. If I don't, this whole pandemic is going to get to me and I'll never productively write again. This can't happen because my brain would probably get overloaded at some stage and explode and I hate cleaning up mess.

On the cards for this month are: 

  • SA AU #1
  • SA AU #2
  • Meditation
  • Medium intensity workouts x3 per week

I figured saying it here is as close to a public declaration as I'm going to get, and I totally plan to hold myself accountable. I have books to finish, books to release, books to edit... covers that I've paid for which need to see the light of day.

For now, I'm tentatively hoping to post on Mondays and Thursdays as a general bit of information for everyone on how things are going. I'll also be posting potential MC character spell line ups for SA AU for everyone.

Not to mention I plan to post SA AU #1's first draft for those who've signed up for being able to see that complete and utter mess. But you all know me by now, and you know my first drafts are basically word vomit hitting the page so I can make it pretty.

Oh, and I forgot. In all of that our brand new one-year-old mini golden doodle has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia and early onset arthritis and I've been taking her to the vet twice a week for shots. But I'll talk more about that little ordeal later. Suffice it to say January's reset button has been hit, and I'm starting anew now.

Thanks to everyone for coming along for the ride. Let's hope 2021 smooths out just a tad. I'm just not holding my breath lol.

Much love



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