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Happy New Year you wonderful people.

First up, I want to thank you all for all your support over the last year. 2020 definitely wasn't the year we all wanted, but I think it taught me a lot.

I learned to listen to what my body is trying to tell me. 

After finishing Somnia, I found myself in a strange place. Writing became difficult. So I found myself in the middle of November, in the middle of NaNo... forcing myself to write. 

When I force myself to write I just end up doing so much more during the editing stages of the process that it takes me multiple rounds of edits to get the same result it would take if I wrote while my brain isn't burning embers.

After putting 4 books out this year, my brain just gave up. Not in a good way. My usual ability to look at things and hear things that would immediately give me ideas seemed to vanish. It's such a strange sensation. When the little voices and worlds that you're so used to living with just stop making noise.

So I took a kind of forced 6.5 weeks off. 

I homeschooled my kid, played World of Warcraft, and spent time with my family. The hardest part was avoiding the feeling of guilt at not working. But finally the noise in my head is back... 

And it feels wonderful.

So I've been arranging my year. This is my journal. 

It's a goal setting journal.

It's pretty awesome. I need something to help me manage my depression and anxiety, and this is more about keeping an eye on myself while I reach my goals, instead of just focusing on the end result that I need.

So my goal is to draft books, edit books, meditate, work out a bit, and allow myself to relax more often. And by relax, I mean I'll take time off. Actual time off. Not just switch to edit mode or something. 

My daughter has 5 gymnastics meets in the next few months. Covid restrictions are making them strictly monitor who attends so these meets will be a lot smaller attendance wise. She's excited, I'm excited for her... and a wee bit nervous.

I'm loosely planning out the year and trying to allow myself more leeway, more flexibility.

While I have definite plans for 2021, I have to confess that after 2020, I'm almost scared to lock in anything specific. 


2021 Tentative Schedule:

  • SA AU #1
  • SA AU #2
  • SA AU #3
  • Last Chance #3

I can't wait to work with Tao Wong on the System Apocalypse spin off. I can't wait to finish off Last Chance. And I'm really excited to work on the few other ideas I have.

I hope to keep sharing my worlds with you all for a long time. Thank you for being here.

Much love,



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