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Tadaaaa - here is the finished cover.

I apologize profusely for my absence over the last little while. It took several days for us all to get over the jet lag from Australia to home - and then I got an awesome little virus that made me feel like a ten tonne truck had run over me. Finally got rid of that and today has been my first good day - just in time for the hubby to get sick.

It's all good though. I'm chugging along on the edits for book 5, and will begin posting chapters again as of tomorrow.

Note: I'm posting first draft chapters. Some of these scenes won't seem complete, and the fight scenes won't be as fleshed out as my books usually are. I feel the need to forewarn people of this. My books are generally 20-30k longer than my initial draft. I add a lot after I've initially got the flow onto paper (or Scrivener if you will). 

It's all a part of my process and I really hope to get to a point where I can post first drafts here and get feedback too. Right now however, I'm scheduling chapters that I'm about to edit, before they've been edited.

I do hope you all understand that this is raw, untouched word vomit.

Much love to you all!




Foxies Fund

OMG its sooo awesome!!!!