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So. I think I’ve mentioned the big move. We sold our house, which closes today. It wasn’t a planned move, but more of a necessity since all our equity was tied up in the house.

With the move coming on the tail of my being so sick for 4.5 months, I’ve been pushing myself pretty hard.

I can barely remember what happened in Dissonance.

I’ve been working hard trying to get Second Chance Book 1 ready. But in my haste, I totally missed a really crucial element and let’s just say - it’s a lot of work and effort to fix it.

So I’m pushing Second Chance 1 out to a July release.

In the meantime I’ll be working on SO5, and will post raw chapters here as I go.

Basically it boils down to the quality I try to put my books out at. If I were to push SC because of a self imposed release date, I know I would be releasing a subpar book. And I cannot do that.

Thank you for sticking with me. I’ll start posting SO5 chapters soon




Take care of you, and your family!

John Curtis

Better to take your time and put out great books over rushing it. Also take and keep your health up that is more important than putting books out, because lets face it if you get to sick you won't write at all so take your time and keep healthy.