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Sometimes I swear I write myself into a corner and then have to dig myself back out. You won't see those chapters until the end of the book. I realized I'd actually written what will likely be the epilogue and would have been way too early to reveal now lol

Anyhu. It's not cliffy



Chapter 152

Parallels to Draw

Quinn wasn't entirely sure that asking the Library to recommend books to her had been the best idea. After absorbing Discussions on temporal mind manipulation, Thesis on Distilled Essence Utilization, Contemporary Ice Magic, Ice Magic as a Missile - the untraceable killer, and Focus and you - how not to get distracted and accidentally impale people -- Quinn's felt like it was full of dense fog.

She meandered downstairs and into her office, glancing over at the check-in desk where Dottie ushered a few of the newer assistants around. Quinn frowned. She didn't really recognize any of them, which wasn't necessarily a problem in and of itself. It was just that she was pretty sure it was rude to have to inspect her own employees. Or were they her employees? 

They were the Library's... 

First things first, she said to herself as Aradie flew in with what looked like a breakfast sandwich packed in a nice little brown bag sent by Cook via her owl.

"Thank you," she said to the bird who settled on the perch on the back of Quinn's chair. Quinn looked around her office for a moment. She'd definitely been spending a lot of time in her office lately. She wondered if it was possible to spend too much time in her office.

There was a knock on Quinn's door and she looked up, surprised to see Eric lingering there.

"What's up?" She said.

"I just came to give you some news." The imp refused to meet her gaze, looking everywhere in the office except directly at her.

"Okay, you're being oddly somber for, you know, yourself." Quinn watched him intently. He was hiding something. "What's the problem?"

Eric shrugged his shoulders, kind of looked from side to side, and finally met her eyes. "Geneva is almost done with what she needs to do. You can probably visit the Esposians relatively soon."

Quinn leaned forward, putting her chin on her hands, and watched Eric closely. The imp had a very specific way of speaking when he wasn't telling her the entire truth, and that was precisely what he was doing right now.

"So you're telling me that Geneva isn't ready for us to come yet, is that correct?" She reorganized what he'd said.


"Well I knew that already. So,What aren't you telling me?" She leaned back in her chair, never breaking their eye contact.

Eric finally sighed and then shrugged. "I'm not telling you that Uncle Hal said you're still welcome at any time."

Quinn pondered that for a moment. Why would he not want to tell her that? "I'm glad. I plan on heading there as soon as I mark a few more things off my list. I have several things to organize here, and then I have to visit the Esposian's, and we still have to check on Ashiron and what Harish and Siliqua's work has yielded. But after that, tell him I will be there as soon as I can. I'm really looking forward to the visit."

Eric raised an eyebrow. "You're sincerely looking forward to visiting Halschius."

Quinn raised an eyebrow at him. "Should I not be?"

"Well, no," Eric paused as if trying to get his head around what he wanted to say. "It's just we don't get many willing visitors, shall we say?"

Quinn laughed. "Well, I'm sure the fiery presence of your uncle and the constant, what is it, two, three, or seven wars that he has to deal with probably helps contribute to that whole sensation."

"Ah, yeah, that sort of makes sense," Eric said, and then he winked. "But we'd love to have you, Librarian. We might not let you come back to your Library."

"I don't think you're gonna have a choice. Lynx will pull me back." Quinn said smugly.

"Ah, you spoil all my fun, Librarian, all the bloody time." Eric actually threw his head back and laughed his maniacal little laugh. 

Quinn just grinned at him.

"So, Librarian," Eric said, as if he meant to change the subject so easily. "What is it you're looking at?"

Quinn raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, what am I looking at?"

"Well, I mean, you've got your HUD pulled up." He gestured in front of her.

"Oh, no, I was just looking at the books that I've absorbed and the ones I've got to try tonight. I was just... Do you have any questions? I can try and answer questions. I might not even charge you for them."

This time, Quinn raised an eyebrow. "Look, I just... I have a lot of skills and I've got to go over them and I just... it's just a lot." She paused as she said that. "I think we say that more than anything else in this place." 

"Well, except for books," Eric said.

"Except for books," she repeated. "You do have a way with words, Eric."

"I know," the imp said, grinning evilly. "How about you review stuff a little later? I do believe that Narilin was wanting to see you."

"And how long have you believed that Narilin was wanting to see me?" Quinn asked.

"From the moment I came in here. It's just that then there were other things I wanted to talk to you about that I feel are slightly more important than what Narilin wants to talk to you about." The imp was still skirting around the edges. 

"You think what you want to talk to me about is more important than the reparation and replacement of a heap of books the Library needs?" Quinn asked incredulously.

"Well, when you put it that way, it makes me sound selfish," Eric said.

"Maybe a little," Quinn replied and pushed herself to her feet. "Okay, I'm going to go and see Narilin and find out what she wants. I might pop by and see how Farrow is doing with the bookworms and her assistants."

"You want some company?" Eric asked.

Quinn met his gaze properly, really giving him a good look over. "I'm sure Aradie and I could do with some company."

Walking through the Library never got old. It was so active and alive. All the people, different species intermingling, both levels filled with patrons. 

It was one of the first times she didn't stop by the kitchen before doing anything else, which was all thanks to the breakfast Aradie had flown in for her. She reached up to scratch the owl on the back of her neck before stopping by to see Farrow on their way to the book infirmary. 

Farrow was like a tree in a very different way from the Salosier's. She was, after all, a golem, but her form was still slender and elegant and reminded Quinn of the trunk of a birch tree, even if the coloring wasn't quite the same.

Farrow turned and greeted Quinn with a smile. She was perhaps the most expressive of all the golems, at least all of the original golems they'd originally summoned.

"What brings you here, Librarian?" She inclined her head.

"I just wanted to see how you were going and how Marilyn and Arilin are doing helping you now they've been here a while." Quinn genuinely wished she had more time to spend in this section of the Library. It had such a rich and earthy feeling. A magical vibe that was more natural than anywhere else.

"Oh, they're doing fine," Farrow gestured to the back corner where the twins, cousins of Narilin, were currently working on what looked like... 

"Is that a bookworm habitat?" Quinn asked, intrigued.

"Yes, it is." Farrow sounded so enthusiastic, it was contagious. "They have devised an experimental method for us to acquire the correct bookworm affinities that we are lacking."

"That sounds wonderful," Quinn said.

Farrow nodded. "It is, actually. If you want, I could go into the theory on it. It is just sublime. I think you would find the fact that we don't actually need to mate them right now, that instead as long as we... oh," Farrow shook her head. "I am sorry, I can get carried away. I know you're busy, Librarian."

"Oh no, Farrow, you're fine," Quinn reassured. "To be perfectly clear, if I had a little more time today, I would sit and chat with you about this. So keep everything stored up, because as soon as I do have some time, I'd love to sit and have a coffee, or a tea, or some sort of beverage or food with you."

Farrow cocked her head to one side. "Well, I do not require sustenance in the way that you do, Librarian, but I would be very happy to sit and spend time with you."

"Oh, thank you," Quinn said, quite taken with Farrow's sincerity. "Is there anything we can get for you, anything you need that can help you in your research on how to replenish the bookworms, the silverfish, all that sort of stuff?"

"As soon as I know, Librarian, I will pass it on to you."

"Thank you," Quinn said. "We're going to go and see Narilin now. Say hello for me."

"Yes," echoed Marilyn and Arilin. "Say hi to Narilin for us."

Quinn smiled, trying not to laugh again, but the names were so similar, they tripped her tongue up more than she liked to admit. And they were all so nice. Narilin was definitely more at ease in the Library now she had her family around her, which Quinn thought could only be a bonus.

Today felt easy. Peaceful. 

Sort of like the calm before the storm.

But Quinn refused to dwell on that as they made their way to the Book Infirmary.

Stepping through the ornately carved doors with their depictions of books and trees and reading and writing, Quinn paused. There was this feeling every time she entered that annex, this beautiful, overwhelming sense of love for knowledge and books. It put Quinn so at ease, almost like nothing could disrupt it in the universe. Sadly, she knew much better than that. However, this sensation was encompassing, revitalizing. She'd have to remember that next time she was feeling oddly depleted by, well, circumstances around them.

Maybe just sitting here for an hour would replenish her reserves. Calm her energies down.

"Librarian," Narilin said, her voice bright and lofty. She was in a good mood. Jane stood next to her and grinned over at Quinn before going back to binding the book that she was working on.

"It's good to see you, Narilin," Quinn said, glancing around. Apart from slightly less books being present, it looked much the same as it had last time she'd visited. "So, tell me, is there anything we can do for you? Do you need anything from me? I haven't seen you for quite a while and I was just a little curious as to how things are progressing here and what I might do to assist you."

Narilin shook her head. "There's really nothing I can think of. As a general rule I go to Misha with any requirements I have. Farrow has been working with me and my cousins and, well, we almost have things solved. Everything will be in tip-top shape extremely soon. Is there something troubling you, Librarian?"

Quinn blinked. "Well, no, I'm just trying to make sure that I'm doing my job."

Narilin laughed and it really did sound like the breeze on a spring day. It smelled like it too, and the relaxation that came along with the birthing of a new season washed over Quinn, making her feel beautifully relaxed. She knew that the Salosier species had certain abilities that allowed them to soothe the nerves of people, but this was very welcome. Quinn had been more stressed than she liked to admit.

"Actually, there is one book we are having difficulty repairing, Librarian." Narilin said, her tone suddenly concerned.

"Oh, really?" Quinn perked up, glad to see there was something she could help with. Perhaps. "What's it called?"

"Oh, it is just called Jeshua's Tome of Revival." Narilin glanced at her cousin as if asking her if she should talk about it. Jane nodded. "I believe it might have been a restricted vault book."

Quinn blinked. "What makes you think that?"

"We have the cover, but the pages were completely devoured or disintegrated. I'm not entirely sure how either. I just know that that's how it stands right now. We have no recollection of it in the main collection. So I thought I'd ask if you know of it." Narilin finished with a small smile, as if she was glad she'd found something the Librarian could help with.

"Could those pages have been ripped out?" Quinn asked.

Narilin cocked her head to one side. "Well, I assume so, by somebody very strong with an affinity for canceling magic, perhaps." 

"But wouldn't that destroy the tome?" Quinn asked.

"Technically, by removing the contents that would destroy the knowledge the tome has to impart," Narilin paused before continuing. "but not necessarily because the cover is still intact."

"So it wouldn't destroy the tome then?" Quinn asked.

"It's not destroyed. It is merely missing its interior," Narilin clarified.

Quinn sighed. "And where was it?"

"It was on one of the massive piles from the intermediate section of the magic division."

"Oh," Quinn said. "Okay, thank you for letting me know."

"You're welcome." Narilin's smile widened and Quinn felt a brief rush of affection for the Salosier.

Do you know that tome? Quinn asked the Library.

I have no recollection of said tome, the Library said. But if it's in the Library, the odds are that I should know.

The Library sounded so defeated, Quinn wished she could give it a hug. Don't get sentimental on me now, Quinn.

It's very hard not to, Quinn shot back.

Eric was still hovering at her side. He paused. "Oh, I must go. I've been called to the front desk. There's a... Ah, somebody doesn't want to pay their fines."

Quinn looked up at the imp who was grinning so widely he looked like a Cheshire cat. Quinn realized there were a lot of parallels to draw in this Library. "Well, you look happy."

"I'm ecstatic," he said.

"Yeah, I guessed as much," she laughed. 

"I'm off to impose a fine, Librarian. I'm excited - oh, and there's someone waiting for you at the front desk too!" he said the last as he'd already begun dashing back to the check in desk.

Quinn sighed and took one more look around the Infirmary. One of these days she was going to improve her reparation abilities. Today however, was not that day. Aradie pecked at her hair.

"Yes, yes," she muttered. "I know I've got a visitor."

Retracing her steps to get back to the Library, Quinn meandered somewhat slower than she would have usually. She could smell amazing fragrances coming from the dining hall attached to the culinary branch and barely resisted the urge to stop and get some food. She had a visitor after all. It wasn't Milaro, that was certain. He would have just teleported to her precise location.

She moved reluctantly toward the front desk when she heard her name called.

"Quinn! Wait up! I'm taking you up on that offer!"

She turned around, unable to prevent the huge grin she felt spreading across her face. "Jasper," she said. "It's so good to see you."

And she meant every word.



Okay okay I have a super soft spot for Jasper.

Much love



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