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So. This is so cool. Chapter 151... how did we get here?

One word at a time. This is a sort of info dumpy chapter... kind of. I think? But also progression with that knowledge. It's a rare lull of poor Quinn not running around like a chicken with her head cut off.

Anyhu - enjoy


Chapter 151

Unethical Ways

Quinn had to admit that after everything, she felt a little overwhelmed. It was late afternoon. After making sure Finn was safe and sound and comfortable upstairs, she headed back down.

Everybody else had tasks to perform. So, apart from Aradie, Quinn was mostly alone and her owl was particularly silent right then.

It made her feel oddly adrift. 

The easiest way, of course, to deal with that was to make a list for herself and figure out precisely how she could approach the rest of the problems that lay in front of her. Being active and making sure she didn't just sit there and dwell on things that she couldn't change, and take care of the things that she could. 

That was proactive, right? 

Wasn't it? 

She sighed. Security golems. Yes.

That's what she needed to concentrate on. She settled herself into her big comfy office chair, and got herself into the right frame of mind to work.

She reached out to the Library with her thoughts, absentmindedly reaching up to scratch Aradie behind her neck. The owl cooed softly, slightly disgruntled as she had been fast asleep. Quinn removed her hand and wondered why the Library hadn't answered her yet.

You do realize that I do more than just talk to you, right?

Oh, sorry. She wasn't sure how else to respond.

No, I'm sorry, the Library said. It's been a very long few days and I'm finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. I'm a little short-fused lately. We've been trying to figure out exactly what's wrong with Ashiron on top of everything else. Anyway, what was your question?

Security golems, where do we stand on the production right now? Quinn asked, and filed away the comment about Ashiron to check on later.

A couple of seconds passed and the Library chuckled. Well, it seems we have just gotten in the correct components, I guess you could call it, to create the new security golems that will extend to the culinary branch.

How many can we make?

Six. Six per branch. So what, 36 or, wait, 44 security golems is all the Library can have? Quinn asked, not entirely sure she'd got the math right. Not to mention that didn't sound like enough for when the Library was fully powered and operational.

Well, we need to hit the next power level before we can have more. That's as much as we can have on this power level if all of the branches are open.

"Which they're not," Quinn mused out loud.

Well, whose fault is that? The Library chuckled.

Actually, Quinn said, it's not mine, it's yours.

I beg to differ. The Library let out a sigh. Although, I guess by way of being too trusting it was my fault.

We all know whose fault it is, Quinn grumbled. Anyway, where is Milaro? I haven't seen him for what seems like days.

You realize he runs an entire sector, right?

Quinn knew this. She knew it very well, in fact. She just didn't really want to admit it. I know he has other things to do, I understand. I just...

Well, you don't seem to really. What's troubling you, Quinn?

Quinn sighed. "Nothing, he just... he was here so often he became a staple and I got very used to having him here. I'm just... I miss him. I miss his company. It's like the grandfather-dad I haven't had for so long."

But you know you're not actually related to him, right?

Of course, I know that. I'm just... I'm feeling a little out of my depth. Quinn really hated admitting to that.

The Library's tone was soothing when it spoke. Quinn, anybody in your position would be feeling out of their depth.

Thanks for the pep talk, mum.

The Library chuckled. It echoed through Quinn's office softly. A joyous sound.

You're in a good mood, Quinn said.

I am in an excellent mood actually. Why? Tell me.

Well, the security settings need to be upgraded because Siliqua, Harish, and Cadre, in applying their theory or your theory of the sequencing, have figured out that well, let's just put it this way, I haven't evolved enough with the times.

This time, Quinn chuckled. Well, I mean, you've been around for like eons. It's not like it's easy for you to change.

But it needs to be. And I mean, I can change into anything, so why can't I adapt to other things?

Quinn laughed. Wow, I like you in this frame of mind.

I confess, I'm fond of this mood myself. I believe Harish, Siliqua, and Cadre will want to speak to you a bit later, tomorrow probably. They've come across several things that will help us immensely in the long run. 

Thanks for being vague. Quinn rolled her eyes

I'll let them explain it. I don't want to spoil anything, plus there are several experiments they're still running that won't be done until oh, late into the night tonight. So just in case, I won't spoil anything simply because it could be that I'm completely and utterly wrong and nothing is working the way they said it probably would.

I appreciate that forethought, Quinn said. Anyway, talk to me. What do you mean they found new ways to adapt your security?

I'm pretty much stuck in the ways from when the universe was much smaller, less populated, less diverse. There are specific brainwave patterns that I don't scan for and therefore we're going to evolve the security system to be more aware and well, teach an old dragon new tricks.

I like that, Quinn said. So, why do you think you haven't changed up until now?

Do I have to admit it out loud? The Library grumbled. I've been somewhat oblivious. I believed that being what I am, having had all of my siblings' assistance in becoming what I am, having the amount of power that I've had, I became slightly naive of my own weaknesses. I believed wholeheartedly that I knew best what to do, where to do it, how to do it, and who to do it with. The thing is that as time has changed, so too have civilizations. They've risen, they've fallen, some have been annihilated. Chaos crept out during those 500 years that we were gone which is a speck of dust in the grand scheme of time and destroyed, annihilated seven species, Quinn. It's all so much bigger than me and I never realized it. These last couple of months have been extremely eye-opening for me. As much as I may be oblivious to change, there are some things that are going to have to.

That's very astute of you, Quinn said. I don't think you're as stubborn as you think you are.

Thank you. Coming from somebody who is probably one of the least stubborn people I've met, I appreciate the compliment.

How about we just work toward fixing the problem, Quinn said.

Now that, Quinn, that's a little bit naive, but I do love the sentiment and so I shall agree.

Misha does have the components for the security upgrades then? Quinn asked.

Speaking of the devil, Misha popped right into being directly in front of Quinn's desk. "Yes, Librarian?"

She laughed. "You know, I don't think I'll ever get used to saying your name and having you simply appear. I can't even talk about you behind your back."

Misha cocked her head to one side. "Why would you talk about me behind your back?"

"It's... never mind. It's just a silly thing from a silly time in my life," Quinn said, suddenly feeling decidedly melancholy. High School hadn't been her favorite time, but she still missed some things about earth more than she'd realized.

"That took an odd turn," Misha blinked for a second.

"Anyway, you have the components for all of the security golems that we need, right?" Quinn asked, glad to change the subject.

"Yes. Milaro has seen to it that we have access for when we open the next branches or for when we exceed the current power capacity and are able to open up to the next one. How close are we to that?" Quinn asked, accessing it through her HUD. "Hmm. We only need like 10% more."

Yes, the Library said. We could do with opening another filtration pillar, but right now I believe we're sitting at five of them and that should be enough for now. We'll want to be at eight by the time we finish the next level of power and we need to have fixed Ashiron by the time we are at optimal levels, which is optimal and able to flush the universe's magic system continuously without pause.

"Great," Quinn said, "so everything's on track in that. Any idea what's wrong with Ashiron?"

"No," Misha said flatly. "It's still a mystery, but it's definitely out of commission and sealed off. We'll probably have to go down and inspect it properly, maybe extract it, maybe quarantine it, perhaps even rebuild it. That might be the best option there. Everything is sealed and in place. That will allow us to make sure that it does not spread to the other filters, just in case it is something contagious in nature."

"That would be horrific," Quinn said.

You have no idea, the Library responded. Contagion means, not only would it spread to the other filters, but also through the filtered mana that goes out into the rest of the universe. That's just a whole debacle we need to avoid.

"Anyway, well, I guess that's easy enough for now," Quinn said, "thanks, Misha. I didn't mean to interrupt what you were doing. I was just curious about our security levels."

Misha nodded. "I understand, Librarian. I did not want to leave you waiting," they said. "I will get back to my duties."

Quinn watched as Misha disappeared again. She frowned. "Did that take a lot of energy to do?" She asked the Library.

No, it doesn't. Misha is an integral part of the Library. She is an extension of me, so to speak.

"But not like Lynx, right?" Quinn asked not bothering to speak in her head since she was in her office anyway.

Very right. Lynx is... he's special.

"I get it," Quinn said.

We'll leave it at that, the Library chuckled.

"Anyway," Quinn said, "I think since this is all taking some time, that I might take some for myself. I should probably get some books to absorb."

Actually, the Library said, you should probably be absorbing about five books a night. You're at the intermediate level for the most part now, and that takes more time for you to process. It's really best to process them while you sleep. Helps them stay in your mind better.

"Will you recommend five specific books for me every night then?" Quinn asked.

I can if you'd like me to. I am the Library, you know, everything that's in here. 

"You don't think it would be a good idea for you to be the one to recommend what will help me the most?" Quinn asked.

Sure I can, but Malakai would be your best bet for combat related items and Milaro would definitely be the best to train your magic elements, especially the mind tomes.

Quinn rolled her eyes. "Do you see either of them here? It's getting late. I'm hungry and I'm inordinately tired right now. I think I should grab a few books, go up to my room and relax for once."

I'm sorry, Quinn.

"For what?" Quinn asked the Library. She was genuinely surprised by the comment.

I realize you have a lot on your shoulders.

"Yeah, but you know, I would have had to choose a major back on earth. I probably would have been bored for the rest of my life."

But you wouldn't have known that you were bored, said the Library matter-of-factly.

"Or maybe not, but this is okay." She grinned. "After all, give me a few months and I'm going to be super powerful."

The Library chuckled. Yes. Yes, you are.

"Okay, then. Give me some recommendations."

"Fine," the Library said. "I think you should try 'Contemporary Ice Magic' since you seem to have a profound affinity for that. 'Ice Magic as a Missile: The Untraceable Killer' is also an excellent volume."

"Wait, wait," Quinn said. "'Ice Magic as a Missile: The Untraceable Killer.' Is this like a how-to murder mystery book?"

No, it's simply a very delicate subject in the advanced ice section. That should allow you to hone the blast that you've been perfecting. But I also think you should read the following book along with it just in case. 'Focus on You: How Not to Get Distracted and Accidentally Impale People.'

Quinn blinked. "Is that really a book or are you pulling my leg?"

Oh no, that's really a book. Sometimes you have to explicitly spell out precisely what a volume contains, otherwise a lot of people don't understand what you're getting at.

Quinn laughed. "Okay, so that's three."

Yes, and the other two are actually from the restricted vault. I know I said maybe you don't need to get books out of the restricted section, but I think these two would be absolutely important for you.

"Well, spill, tell me what they are," Quinn said.

'Discussions on Temporal Mind Manipulation.'

"Temporal mind manipulation?" Quinn asked, a shiver down her spine at the implications of the title.

Yes, you know how you speed up your thoughts and you try to have an entire conversation in your head while somebody else is talking to you?

"Yes," Quinn said, not realizing that the Library had caught on to her innermost thoughts when she did that.

Oh no, Quinn, I wasn't reading your mind.

"You're doing it again," Quinn said.

No, it was your facial expression. Those are like an open book, but of course I knew what Milaro was teaching you. I know that you can speed up your thoughts. After all, I know every single book you've absorbed up until now.

"Oh," Quinn said, "plus we've had a few conversations in that manner."


"What's the other book?" Quinn asked.

'Thesis on Distilled Essence Utilization.'

"Wow, that's very specific to me."

We might have used some of that book as a wee guideline for the theory behind how you were created. It holds integral theories that could easily be misused or applied in unethical ways.

That information didn't sit easily with Quinn. She wasn't entirely sure how to process it. But she got an urgent feeling that she should read that book specifically. 

As soon as possible.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter - it's going to be a heap of fun coming. There's so much that needs to happen!

Much love



Joe Gallagher

This might want a bit of a rewrite: "Ashiron by the time we are at optimal levels, which is optimal a..."

K.T. Hanna (Arithion)

I just wrote a massive reply that basically said - you guys get the raw version after I tidy up the dictation... Then I navigated away from the page accidentally. All this to say thank you for pointing this out. <3