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I suddenly I wanted to draw some fish as always. When I'm debating whether to be a marine or freshwater fish... here's the perfect creature. salmon!

Salmon is a fish that many people are familiar as a food. In my case, I never eat fish, but often meet them in the game. (Yeap, Splatoon!)

Salmon change their appearance throughout their lifetime. It is so beautiful and mysterious.. The cute patterns they had as babies (called parr marks) disappear, and in the sea, silvery blue fish return to fresh water and turn pink.

Personally, I love parr stage salmon. I first saw Masu salmon parr (they also live in Korea) in an aquarium about 20 years ago, and I was absolutely mesmerized. Their scales were shiny and beautiful like a rainbow.

Thank you!




I can’t help out think of Splatoon seeing so many salmon! I love how informative this is ❤️


What pretty colors😍😍😍


😍I live where several type of salmon come home to spawn! It is great watching so many come in and up the rivers here. We also have steelhead, but I find those ones scary with all of the long, needle teeth. 😵


I love salmon so much! They remind me of home!!


haha yeah, Schedule has changed today, so we have to go to our part-time jobs.


I envy living there! You will see many fish full of energy. I just realized steelhead is another name of rainbow trout!


I really love the freshwater Chinook salmon in #4. It looks so happy! Lol


Thanks Shawna! I love them too, they have beautiful silver on their tail which no other salmon!

Mags Hirve

we have a large river nearby where sockeye salmon spawn every year and I always go in October to see them making redds (nests) and spawning! I take my kids to see too. a precious and amazing life cycle


I envy you! If only I could see it in nature with my own eyes! It's so wonderful that you can share those beautiful moments with your family💕 Autumn is the month of salmon!


Also... prehistoric sabertoothed salmon Oncorhynchus rastrosus!

Rebecca King

Oh man, this has given me feels. I live in south eastern BC near Kootenay Lake, Kootenay lake holds Kokanee Salmon and every year we take the time to go watch the red fish in the spawning channels at a local provincial park. they are one of the few land locked species of Salmon. Your fish always make me happy. :)


ah! There is such a salmon in Korea too. (masu salmon) I've only seen them in aquariums, it's so cool to have a park where you can actually see it in its natural state. Hope to see it when I visit Canada someday in the future!


Salmon are really important here in British Columbia!! It's important to the culture and to the first nations people. Actually, when I was 10, we raised a bunch of salmon from eggs in my classroom. When they were big enough, we went to a river and released them. I wonder where mine went? My favourite salmon is the Chinook!


It's impressive that you even raised salmon eggs in the classroom! Now that salmon are in freshwater, wouldn't their offspring be in the local river too?


I was in Northern Michigan in early October, and got to see the tail end of the salmon run-it was incredible! They were massive, and looked like a big dark mass from the shore. They kept breaching out of the water, and it was gorgeous to witness!


Amazing.I can feel their energy just reading your comments. I only saw it on youtube! If only I could see them with my own two eyes in real nature 😌💕