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Related post : [ drawings ] Capybara / [ wallpaper ] Capybath time

At first, I was going to draw it with grass and flowers, but while I was drawing, I watched a lot of videos of capybara taking a yuzu bath, so I changed it to a capybara enjoying a hot spring.

Where I originally wanted to draw grass and flowers, I floated yuja/yuzu(citron fruits) instead. 

Since they don't live in cold regions, I wondered if they actually enjoyed the hot springs, but there was actually a study that says that when they go in the hot springs, their expression becomes comfortable and their dry skin improves 🍋🔥

article link 1 : Japanese scientists measured how much capybaras enjoy their hot baths 

2 : Comfortable and dermatological effects of hot spring bathing provide demonstrative insight into improvement in the rough skin of Capybaras 

I wondered why there was a yuzu in the capybara bath. In Japan, it is often used as a bath additive. Where I live(Korea), we candied it and drink it a lot as a tea in the winter. 🍊 That's why it feels like a fruit that is closely related to winter.

It's a color thumbnail that I uploaded a few days ago, but I ended up using the first one on the far right.


I struggled with drawing their eyes for finding best expression. It's just a simple eye, but I've repeated and erased so many times lol

Next time I am thinking of draw some guinea pig... They are closely related to the capybara. Or, as always, suddenly it could be a fish 😁 

Thank you!




So cuuuuute!! They all are so expressive and cute! Wonderful work as always! Your hard work on those eyes made them perfect!


I did draw a capybara not a long time ago and i strugle too with their eyes ! They have just a unique expression. I love them thank you for drawing them ❤

Bonnie Russell

I love this so much. Here in the US capybaras are sometimes called "giant guinea pigs"


so cute! i love the colors in these illustrations. The minty-green compliments the brown of the capy's so well~


Thank you very much! It's worth drawing their eyes many times 😄


That's right, it's really difficult! Their face feeling are exquisite, and that's their charm!


I heard they are actually related animals! and they are seems pretty similar!


Thanks Ash! Green always seems to go well with brown. The same color of the earth!


So cute. You did the eyes well. Simple isn't always simple, sometimes it means even a small change can radically alter how something looks.


Yes, that's right, especially when it comes to character design, the placement and size of features dictate a lot of feel! thank you!