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Acrylic, which pre-order from Secret Shop, has arrived!

It's a little different from the ones I've made in the past.

before, There was epoxy only on the one side, but this time, glitter epoxy on both sides of the acrylic. Somehow... the unit price was higher than last time when I making charms, so maybe I made it with a higher option lol 🤣

Anyway, the quality is higher than before.

And no protective film! You can use it right away.

To those who ordered from Secret Shop.

From now on, I will prepare the packaging! 

I'll sent them all before mid-April and I will notify you of the shipping number through paypal. thank you!

* Some parcels completed delivery in February and delivered the shipping number to paypal. Post officer said that there can be some delays due to lack of space.





omg these are so cute!!!


I also somehow missed the secret shop :(


Holy hell these are adorable!! I love it! I am also sad I missed the secret shop, I try to keep from looking too deeply when I have no money, this membership is one of only 2 or 3 I will be keeping, no matter what.


Aw, that spider would be perfect gift for a friend. I wish shipping to EU gets better someday. All look pretty! <3


I'm sorry you missed T_T Maybe next time! I'll re-open on summer


Thanks Jodi! I appreciate that you maintaining patreon membership :) The next secret shop will probably be in the summer!


So excited!!!!!😍😍😍


Ahh these are gorgeous! I regret not ordering some but trying to save money. I hope they all make it safely to their homes :)


Thank you so much for your kind comment Elaori! saving money is important too! maybe next secret shop!


Oooooh this spider charm *o*


I really need to check my email more often, I can't believe I missed these 😭 I need that peacock spider to live omg will you ever have these again?


I have a very small amount in stock, so ask me by message when the next secret shop opens, maybe some left then!


Ohhh those are beautiful! Those packages are exactly what I wanna see 😍 so excited!


Oh! So nice to hear that! It was delivered a few days ago, and the package are probably in at the international airport right now. I hope you receive it soon🥰


How did I miss these?? I’m horrible lately. I loooove em!!


I have some little stocks, so if you are interested, please contact me by message when the next time the Secret Shop opens!