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I'm going to draw a mammal that lives in the water.

Among sea-cows, I like Manatee the most, so I am debating whether to draw only Manatee or draw with others sea-cows.. 

Their very rounded lines make me smile.

 I draw them as angels...


From here, the drawings of a millipede and a centipede appear.

Don't scroll down if you have a phobia!


Actually, there are arthropods that I am afraid of.

In case of millipedes, centipedes are okay, but they are barely in the that line. I am afraid of house centipede (Scutigeridae) because of trauma from my childhood. I think it would be nice to have a chance to overcome them someday and draw them too.

I like the 3rd face the most.

Thank you!




Manatees are my favorite animal! Thank you for drawing them! ❤️


I love manatees so much, I’m so excited to see your drawing!!!!!!!!


Yay i love the millipedes and centipedes so much! I have a pet vietnamese giant centipede but house centipedes still scare me too.

Cearo Thyme

Manatees and sea cows are among my all time favorite animals. I love the little angels too. Such a beautiful way to represent the extinct friends


OMG lol this comment made me laugh hard XD It's comforting to know that even people who have centipedes as pets can be afraid of house centipedes.


Thank you so much Cearo :D They are all in heaven and will be eating delicious kelp.


I love manatees so much ♡ They look extra cute in your style.

Valerie Burk

I didn’t know what house centipedes were for the longest time, and I nicknamed them “dragon bugs.” The name stuck so I still call them that now 😄 I try to be delicate with them, but they drop legs so easily! 😭


Thank you very much Shawna, they are so round so fun to draw XD


Ohhhhh that make sense! They definitely have a dragon-like force 😂 Aren't they super fast to catch? I've never been caught them


ADORE the forbidden candy omg i am holding them all so gently....


The manatees look so perfect in your style, I'm obsessed!!!


There are a lot of millipede shapes and sizes! The *Bracycybe* genus are called "feather millipedes" and are pink and cute! The genus *Apheloria* also called "flat-backed millipedes" are black with bright yellow and/or red, very pretty.


Ahhh yeah, feather millipedes! Maybe last year, I saw a photo of they eating fungus and doodled it once. flat-backed millipedes is beautiful too! Millipedes with colorful legs are impressive. thank you!