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When I was thinking about my career after graduation, I read a book called 'YOUR INNER FISH' in the library, and I was deeply inspired by the stories of paleontologists trying to find fossils. 

At the time, I almost got a job in the industry, but I wasn't sure my career path. Probably stable, but I thought I could hardly do personal artwork. 

So I was wandering in the library, and suddenly the title of the book caught me.

It was almost 10 years ago, but I still think about the power to beliefs...(about fish) It's a science book, but I was deeply impressed philosophically. I was really lucky to read that book. If not, I may have been drawing a completely different picture from now😁




So glad you found that book! Most of all that you're happy (or I hope so) <3


*cheer* You can do anything you put your mind to Pikaole!


I am so happy I can draw many fish and aquatic life🥰 Thanks Elaori!


I'm the drunk salamander! Based on the last image I hope you're taking care of yourself!


Yes, I heard that cold limbs is a blood circulation problem, so I started walking for 30 minutes a day from a few days ago! I hope it gets better soon. Thanks Raegan!


Alligator gar are such neat fish! I've seen them while swimming in freshwater springs. And I love your scorpion doodle! I've always thought it was so cute and funny that the babies sit on their mom like that

Divi (Lovewin)

Wow what a neat story! It was great you found that book! Take it easy on the hands. It looks painful. These illustrations are great. Eel is my santa pick.


Oh, all of your experiences with animals are fantastic. I heard that they grow up to 4m, and I'm curious what it feels like to swim with a fish bigger than themselves. Animals with babies on their backs are always cute


eel santa is a great choice. I have a lot of problems with my hands these days, so I am struggling with various methods. T_T Thanks for your concern Lovewin!