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** Voting for April Rewards is ongoing! 👇


It's Christmas season! 

I'm listening to carols when I work and I'm eating Stollen with Christmas tea :)

I developed a Christmas idea that I didn't draw last year.

In the early idea it was a glass octopus..

I wanted to draw a large squid, so I changed it to bigfin squid.

There was a pelican eel and little dragon fish at the first sketch... 

In the end, it was changed to oarfish, I thought their red fins would go well with the Christmas mood.

Giant tube worm will look like a red flower.

Animals I drew are Fanfin anglerfish, Dumbo octopus, Bigfin squid, Oarfish and Giant tube worm!

I made them as a GIF by adding simple animation effects. (used total 12frames)

Merry early Christmas 💕




I love the final design (the angular fish and oarfish are adorable!) but I also really like the glass octopus design, so pretty ✨


I love the Christmas squid, but the glass octopus is super cute, too!! Merry early Christmas to you as well :)


Oh my gosh, I'm so excited to see the tube worms and bigfin squid


Hehe, we have similar tastes for animals, so I thought you would like them too. Thanks aluvian!


Yes, I will redraw them someday. I'm thinking of drawing only transparent animals with 'glass' in their name🧐 Thanks Megan!


Thank you so much Safa! Last year I was fascinated by the pictures of Glass octopus, will draw them again someday!


I think the tube worms are such a creative touch. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone draw them before! And I want both gecko and rays to win the sticker poll aaaaa😂😂😂


Omg this is beautiful! I love it!


Ahaha thank you! I thought they had a party atmosphere that really went well with Christmas. I don't know what will happen because the votes are hardly different. Ray was winning in the beginning, but was overturned by the shark! Let's watch the results on 30th :)