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Popular votes for the concept of stickers!

I will make stickers for April 2021 reward with winning designs:D

Currently, more stickers winning in the Postcard vs Sticker poll. ( jellyfish tier)

Since there is still a lot of time left, the voting results may change.

But if there is no reversal, I will make 4 stickers this time.

So, squid tier will 4 stickers and Jellyfish tier will get2 stickers. (in this case, the 1st and 2nd place stickers)

Here are the images of representative characters of each subject.

(If it becomes a sticker sheet, characters will be added as related topics. For what the sticker sheet will look like, you can refer to past designs here. :  the Sticker poll of Oct2020.)

The details of the design may change depending on the production method.

* Multiple votes available!



I really hope that the rays, frog, and geckos work!!!! I have a leopard gecko and a standing day gecko and your art of those is so precious 🥺


Ohhhh you have lovely geckos XD gecko is almost close....😆🦎💪💕!

Amber Hawkins

I really hope the sharks win since they're my favorite, but they're all super cute, so I'll be happy either way.


Choosing is so hard 😭 your art is too good! Have you considered doing a mixed sticker sheet with one of each option?


I’m a new patron, I found you because of your adorable nudibranchs, and stayed for the jellies! SInce there are no nubranchs here, I would put all four votes into jellies! All of your stuff is so cute, but particularly the invertabrates! :-)


Thank you!I hope that the shark will strengthen for you. They can almost win.😂


Yes, that option was also considered! October2020 sticker sheets were made that way! I made more types of stickers this time, and I categorized them into a series of similar pictures because of the problem of uniformity.


Ah~ I also like sea slug very much. They were excluded from this poll because I made sea slugs stickers as a reward in October 2020, but I also love drawing them and they are always popular so they will appear again in the future poll :D


More love for the bugs 🐜 🐛 🕷 they’re so cuuute 😭💕


The first one looks like a whale shark? It's SO CUTE!!! My fave animal :)


I love the shark so much! The Toucan is really cute too 😊


the FROG.... amazing wow. love all of these


I would die for that frog tbh


6, 7, 3 is the order of my favorites...but it's so hard to choose since they're all so adorable!!


Oh, right now your favorites are all winning, so it seems very likely that they will be stickers!