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Inspired by ss2sonic's method of opening for suggestions followed by a poll, here's a poll made up of options from you guys! If you made a suggestion (and it's not one of my own characters—my apologies, I should've specified that in the original post), it's here! I also added a few of the lowest-scoring options from a previous poll, just to add a few more.

I appreciate your engagement on this! It's something I'll certainly do again, so if you perhaps wish you suggested something else, or anything at all, no worries because there will be another time!

Anyway, please cast a vote and I'll handle the rest! 😅 Haha.

Poll closes May 9 at 5pm PST, thank you!



Oooo, I was gonna pick Zora, but now I see Georgette on the poll and now I'm conflicted


Zubeia needs more love, so all in for the Dragon Queen X3