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Messy WIP especially the border but it's meant to be a mockup You-Tube screenshot. On a side-note, I decided that when 'modern' Mahiña is not at work (and therefore not wearing her Maha-Mart uniform and such), that she wears more traditional clothing like this.

A fun detail I just have to point out: notice her napple being forced upward because of her belly and how the fabric is grabbing her. I dunno I just kinda liked that. 🥴

But yeah this is a little idea I had a while ago that I never got around to yet... but then Indighost happened to mention wanting to see more Mahiña... and I thought to myself "you know what? Me too", heh.

Oh, and the food will be very much more detailed later in the process. 😅 But maybe that goes without saying.



Fen Longpaw

I like this so far. Fun idea with great execution


Ohhhh lordy lordy lordy this one might kill me dead oh noo x _ x

Indighost Gengar / Lavender Spectre

Yes, love this :D Mahina must be filled completely, always! Love the hair, home decor, and of course that lovely nipple erection. And those are eyes to fall in love with! Thinking about it more, I'm imagining a slight wardrobe malfunction happening in glacial slow-motion over the course of the stream as she makes all those burgers disappear, growing slightly larger and very tired in the process.


Thank you! It should look pretty legit when done, using actual webpage graphics and such... though there's something playfully cute about it being handwritten this way lol I might keep it somehow.


This being her "first mukbang", I am quite certain she'll enjoy it and it won't be her last lol