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Some new alts have been made for you guys! A total of about 12 for 4 images. The posts have been edited to include them (no notifications were sent), which I will link below:

Giraffe Mom's "Live-Updates" | [Full-Res Post]
GM 1950's Diner Temptation | [Full-Res Post]
Candid Becky | [Full-Res Post]
First Marriage | [Full-Res Post] 

I want to give a shoutout to my personal favorite of the bunch which is the nude Becky one. 🥴 But please know that I did take note of the ones I did not get to! More peen (even if disembodied), more spread, more preg for future endeavors. All noted!

I did what I could in a certain amount of time, and there of course could be more... there could always be more... but I'm a glass half-full kind of person and hope this is all just fun bonus content for you guys, hehe. And it really is just for you guys. 

I hope you enjoy!



Gosh those are some fantastic alts! GM getting double peened was definitely a treat to behold 💦


Dude those panty shots of the diner GM LOOKING LIKE MY WIFE


Do we have to go to the full-res to see the alts?


Oh! Weird because I’m unable to see the alts for Becky or the DP that some users mentioned. Maybe I’ll look on PC instead of mobile?


I'm happy to see the nude Becky, and the others are pretty unique, too! Well done X3


Thanks! And yeah I'm still tweaking Becky's figure a bit but regardless she'll always be a chonker lol


Thank you! That last one was an idea Garuda had and I didn't think of it because my mind is so locked in the context of the image lol


I now plan on doing something more lingerie-based, whenever the time comes I need to meditate and draw lace lol


That one was a great choice, heh. And thankfully that image was fairly easy to do that to.... they're not always like that hehe.


It worked on the computer! These are absolutely FANTASTIC!


I feel ya, but glad you soldiered through like your GF does with her own life lol :3


One of my favorite drawings is of candid Becky! Naked Becky is even better! 😍