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Hey y'all,

I hope you're all doing well! I'm coming down with a cold right now, going to keep trying to sketch new things during it, but something I had on my list of things to do were a few alts for recent images... which gave me an idea: is there an alt version of a previous image you'd like to see? Just kind of opening for suggestions, even if it's just something as "simple" as an alternate expression.

Pretty huge disclaimer: I won't be able to do alts that are infeasible due to being too complicated, but I'll still see what I can do. There might be occasions where I can make the alt happen but having to omit all lighting effects, aka flat-colored version only, not sure... just thinking aloud.

The way it'll work is I'll chip away at making alts, and at the end of the month I'll make a post with links to the posts that got updated.

Maybe I'll do 3, maybe I'll do 10, it really depends on numerous factors haha. 😅



A nude version of the person paying GF to show them her pussy, or the POV pic of waking up to Becky, but she's naked. I COULD also recommend GF on the bus after the interview or the wedding picture when she was slim, but naked as well- yeah, sue me for liking nude alts of your characters, but that's how I roll XD HONESTLY, tho- the nude Becky one tickles my fancy a little more, so if nothing else- that one X3


Hope you feel better soon! You made some really fantastic pieces this month!


Hmm, maybe for the New Years GM interview piece, a disembodied peen and thighs going downward into her cleavage in one of the cum variants?


That's what I meant, too, though it was after, in the bus X3


Pregnant mahina alt


You could do the post dinner snack, and change the face to a huge horse cock

Indighost Gengar / Lavender Spectre

Hope you feel better soon! Regarding the alts, I'd actually love an edit of the post-dinner report with some spread cheeks. I'm looking through the gallery and I'm actually not sure we've ever seen a clear view of GM's butthole. Would be fun!


Some of the previous Giraffe Mom pictures you've done with a nice pregnant alt.

American Mike

Some lingerie edits of the last two pregnant GM pictures would be hot