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“To think such a powerful being was here….” The young woman sighed as she looked out across the desert. “If needed, I will ask for her help….” The young woman took a glance in the direction Tomoya had left in before disappearing from sight. 

As the days passed, a massive army of orcs slowly entered the Jura Forest. At this time Tomoya was busy training Remmi to be a much more able fighter than she was in the story. “No, you are making unnecessary movements! Remmi, you are a slime; use it to your advantage!”

“It feels weird to break apart like this!” Remmi wanted to cry. She did not realize that Tomoya was going to be a demon couch! She had not rested for a few days now!

“You do not have time to complain. Get it right. You never know what will happen in the future!” Tomoya knew it was almost time. The oni would soon be here, and two waifus she wanted badly would also be here soon. 

“I’m trying!” Remmi cried out as she once more dodged Tomoya’s attacks. Tomoya was firing off pure mana as if she was firing a machine gun, but each attack would not move in a straight line but from all directions. She had to raise up barriers and alter the shape of her body just to keep herself from getting hit. And worst of all, Tomoya was not holding back! While she could not feel pain, she could see her body exploding in certain parts! She even had her head explode on her!

While what Tomoya was doing was over the top it would allow Remmi to have a very strong foundation as she learns more and more. Tomoya actually wanted Remmi to integrate her abilities into the sword training she would get soon from the old Oni who would later become named Hakurou. 

A few more days passed, and this same training continued, but on this day, Tomoya said: “We are breaking today. Follow me to take a walk.” The things that normally happened in the story were now starting to happen. 

“A walk!?” remix was excited. She had not gotten a day's rest in so long that she felt like maybe she was going to end up training like this forever.

“Mm.. Come on.” Tomoya held Remmi’s hand, and the two walked out of the village and made their way toward the forest, where the others were gathering food for tonight's feast.  The village had come a long way and was now looking like a proper village. 

“The timeline is a little off, but this should be fine…” Tomoya did not know why, but she felt like maybe the timeline was a bit off on this world.

“Tomo, did you say something?” Remmi could have sworn she heard Tomoya mumble something.

“I was just saying that Remmi is too cute, and I want to eat her up,” Tomoya replied.

“You can eat me up any time you want, but you need to at least give me time to sleep with you! You have not let me stop training until today!” Remmi pouted. 

Tomoya rubbed her head. She just couldn’t help it. When she saw how bad Remmi was at fighting, she felt she needed to do something about it. She then ended up going to Sparta where she figured out many ways to use Remmi’s slime body to fight.

“Huh? It sounds like someone is fighting.” Remmi frowned. “Why are people fighting!? This was my day off!” 

“You can take tomorrow off as well.” Tomoya chuckled and patted Remmi’s head. She had to give the poor girl a break, or she might end up really breaking down. “Put on your mask.”

“Got it….” Remmi pouted as she put her mask on. It was the same mask that Shizu had worn.

Tomoya and Remmi walked out into a clearing to find five figures standing there and a sixth hiding in the shadows. Tomoya gave Remmi a nod who quickly tossed some potions at the injured goblins while Tomoya walked forward and asked: “Why are you here? Why did you attack my people?” 

Tomoya did not expect them to completely ignore her as Benimaru looked at Remmi and yelled: “Show your true form you demon!”

“Oi! I was asking you a question!” Tomoya appeared in front of Benimaru and smacked him on top of the head. “Don’t ignore people and act all high and mighty in my territory!” 

The oni, well, ogres who had yet to become oni, all watched in shock as Benimaru did a faceplant on the ground after being hit in the head by Tomoya. “Ah… Sorry, I hit you a little too hard out of anger…. You’re alive, right?” Tomoya picked up a stick and began poking him.  

“Tomo, I don’t think it’s good to be poking him…. He looks kind of angry.” Remmi scratched her head as she pulled off her mask. As she did, everyone there stared at her in shock. 

“Remmi, how do you know he is angry? His face is stuck in the dirt. I mean, I might have hit him harder than expected, but it was still light enough for his head not to explode….” Tomoya replied while pursing her lips.

“You are not our enemy?” The ogre who would become Shuna asked in confusion. She did not feel any hate or malice from these two people.


Mort Imer

Oh noes Tomoya has become a demon couch!


Thank you for the chapter!