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Remmi blushed as she pushed her face into Tomoya’s chest. She began stroking Tomoya’s click once more while using her other hand as a dildo, pumping it in and out of Tomoya’s pussy. “Ah~!” Tomoya let out a soft moan as she hugged Remmi. She had been fingered before, but Remmi’s slime dildo was just a whole different level since it could reach all the way inside her and poke her deepest parts. Having both her click, and her pussy teased like this made short work of her ability to hold on. Within a few minutes, she had a double orgasm. Juices flooded from her pussy while her click sprayed your milk all over Remmi.

Remmi looked at the milky substance dripping from her breasts down her belly and blushed from ear to ear. Her first experience as a slime girl really was beyond what she had ever expected. “Why did you cum so much?” Remmi pouted. She was drenched! 

“Just suck it up. Or next time, just stick it in.” Tomoya teased as she leaned down and kissed Remmi’s lips. “After all, you and I are fated.”

“Mmm…” Remmi looked, did as she was told, and sucked all the yuri milk into her body, making it dissolve. Her skill suddenly gave her a message. “Sprem count: 50 trillion. Detecting high-concentration magic. Possible to Impregnate Slime girls, but chances are slime.” 

“I didn’t ask that!” Remmi’s whole face turned bright red. But at the same time, she was not against having Tomoya’s baby. But she was not ready to have one so soon.


[Remmi’s Affection: +10 ]

[Current: 75]

[Affection Status Changed: More than willing]

“Let’s clean up and get ready. We have a lot to do today, and I am sure Irene would like to see you in this form.” Tomoya kissed the top of Remmi’s head before sitting up.

“Tomo….” Remmi reached up and grabbed Tomoya’s arm. “I…. I don’t mind doing this kind of thing from now on. But…. Ummm, can we not go all the way yet?” 

“That’s fine. When you are ready, you let me know.” Tomoya leaned over and gave Remmi another kiss on the lips before whispering: “Tonight, I will have a small taste of your body as well.”

“Mm….” Remmi lowered her head and nodded. She suddenly couldn’t wait until nightfall.

A little while later….

“Shizu, up until now, thank you very much for everything!” Irene and her two companions both bowed their heads in thanks. 

“I will definitely become a good party leader.”

“The experience of adventuring with you will be the measure of my entire lifetime!”

Unlike the two men, Irene jumped on Remmi and hugged her tightly: “Thank you… I had always considered you to be my older sister.”

While Remmi was being used as a Shizu replacement, Tomoya looked at the tattered armor the three were wearing and sighed. “It seems I will need to give them armor just like in the storyline.”

With this thought in mind, Tomoya said: “Isn’t your equipment shitty?”

“What!? You could sugarcoat it a little!” Irene cried out. She was still teary eyed from crying in Remmi’s embrace.

“I am just saying it’s true. No wonder you three have such problems.”  And with that Tomoya had Kiajin and the others make them a set of armor before sending the group on their way.

But now, this actually sets the scene for the next arc of the story. The true test of Remmi and the rest’s training. “It’s going to be a lot of work soon….”

“Tomo?” Remmi looked at Tomoya in confusion.

“Remmi, go practice your fighting in Victoria’s cave. Do your best to figure out the quirks of your abilities.” Tomoya leaned down and gave Remmi a kiss on the cheek. “You need to keep getting stronger and stronger. So work hard.”

“Okay.” Remmi nodded before running off. 

“Tomoya…” Kaijin walked over and smiled. “You seem to have something on your mind. Anything I can do to help?”

“Kaijin. I need you to get our patrols better weapons and armor. Something they can move around easily in. I feel a disaster is coming.” Tomoya was screaming inside. She had wanted to say something like this for a while!

“You can count on me.” Kaijin nodded and turned around. He had no reason to doubt Tomoya’s words. He knew Tomoya was as strong as a demon lord.

“Thanks. I am gonna go check on something, so you go do your thing.” Tomoya then stepped on air and disappeared into the sky. Kaijin raised an eyebrow before chuckling and walking off.

Tomoya quickly made her way through the forest until she reached the outer edge. She looked around but could not see any signs of the orcs. “An Orc Disaster will be here soon.” Tomoya sighed. She wished to save Benimaru’s people, but she did not want to miss the opportunity to bring them under her wing. “It seems we will need to keep things along the storyline for now.” 

Making her decision, Tomoya headed back to the village. She did not notice the young woman standing below hidden in the trees looking up at her.



Thanks for the chappie!

Mort Imer

I'm guessing the wives are going to love having a slime girl in the harem army.