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Stranger Things S2. E1 and E2



yes!!!! diving in!!!


If nobody’s told y’all , I love you✌🏼



Rio Mendoza

Y'all are killing it. Thank you so so much what a good day for real.


Oh oh, wait a minute, getting my popcorn ready! Oh and just a suggestion, since this series makes some 80's movie references, you can watch a couple of them like "Firestarter ((1984) and The Neverending Story (1984).

Darth Brooks

One. More. Hour. To. Go. Ugh. Gonna be a great night of cinema with A&B killing it with the reactions today. Hope everyone is having a great day, stay blessed ✌❤ fam!

Cody Jado

YAY!!!! Im probably going to react to this while editing!!! Cannot wait!!

Marc Cephas

Y’all be putting in that overtime, you guys are by far the best Patreon tandem out there👌🏾

Rose Dallman

Just too funny, you two are the 21st Century Lucy and Desi, I kid you not! BJ: "Where did she go? Where is Eleven?? Asia:; "She gone." 😂😂😂


Speaking of Children of the Corn, you guys should really watch it!!!! After you watch Signs!!!


Joyce’s new boyfriend, Bob, is Sean Astin. Samwise the hobbit from The Lord of The Rings. Also, when he was a kid actor in the 80’s he was in a movie called The Goonies about a group of kids which really reminds me of these kids.

Kristine Friling

It was so fun watching BJ all excited and coming up with all the theories, while Asia acts like she don't know, but she does. Lol

Cody Jado

When BJ said "You'll never look at a corn field the same after Children of the Corn" I felt that fr LMAO im laughing my ass off


💯 That movie is the only scary movie that screwed me up. The Exorcist, that was funny af. The only type movies that scare me to my core are ones along the lines of Outbreak. *shudders* I don't consider those "meant to be utterly terrifying" movies. COC? That's meant to be and it was effective on this young mind. You couldn't pay me to walk into a field. Nope . Hell to the naw naw. 🤣


I was going to compliment her on this too! If I ever needed to watch a movie with someone who's seen it already, Asia's my ride or die.


Because they were! They were based off of The Goonies, Stand By Me, etc. I flipping adore the Easter eggs.


Tara and Eddy got a few of the eggs on these two episodes, you're rockstars. I know there's more but my brain just temporarily shut down... BUT my favorite casting based off of a character in an 80's movie was introduced. I lost my collective shit when Billy showed up. There's a lovely group of actors from the 80's called The Brat Pack of which Rob Lowe was hands down the sexiest. They did a movie called St. Elmo's Fire and Rob Lowe's character was named...Billy. He was a bit out of control, ladies man, etc. They have the same hairstyle, minus Dacre Montgomery's hair being curly and Rob Lowe's wasn't. I swear they put Dacre into the same earrings,all that was missing was a saxophone(the sax was used by OG Billy in movie)! They put a LOT into that homage.


I just have to say this. Of all the Patreon channels, y'all provide the best value for money, the best consistency and interaction with members, and the most fun. Looking forward to the podcast now! Thanks guys.

Junie Tunes

To clarify the Mike and El scenes: In episode 1 of this season when Mike is on the walkie-talkie he says that he has been tuning his walkie for the past 350 days. So basically, every night for almost a year, Mike has been trying to communicate with El and there are times when she manages to communicate. That is why Mike and Will's discussion is so important. Mike thinks he's losing his mind, because he sometimes hears and feels El and Will also thinks he's losing it. BJ , you have some great theories and it's so entertaining to watch you put the puzzle pieces together. Asia, you are so amazing at not spoiling it, although I can tell you're bursting! Also, Asia, we share a birthday Nov 5th, Scorpio Sisters!

Stephen Blair

Erica is my favorite character, she steals every scene she is in 😁


Could you guys watch The Lost Boys? it’s a really good summer/fun horror movie.


BJ is ready to binge watch the whole series. My youngest son had the flu the day season 3 came out. We watched that whole season in a day lol


Here's another easter egg I didn't see mentioned. Paul Reiser, the guy who "took over" for Dr. Brenner, is the actor from Aliens. If you notice the scene where he is staring at the surveillance cameras, I believe it is supposed to remind us of when Ripley (Sigorney Weaver) was sleeping in one of the rooms with Newt the lone child survivor. His character Burke, locked them in there to get taken by the face hugger alien.


Someone also had on a Kobra Kai Gi which is another popular 80's reference in the Karate Kid.

Michele G

😂😂😂😂😂 I love Asia’s comments 😂😂😂😂

Michele G

I watched children of the corn when I was little and I can’t even walk through high grass without thinking of those crazy ass kids !! Malakai !! 🤡

Michele G

Introducing Erica is my favorite part !! She’s the best little sister !!!

Miss Melissa

Glad you guys are doing this - it’s such a fun one! I’m just catching up here… haven’t seen the older seasons in a while. Got a little emotional at the reveal of Hopper caring for El. He’s really just a teddy bear of a man. And I just love Lucas’ sister Erica. Really looking forward to all the rest. Last season (4) was really on another level.

Miss Melissa

Also I love the dynamic with Asia trying to keep it all from BJ. So funny! Give him nothing girl! Let him twist. 😜


Season 2 is everything because it introduced us to ERICA! Erica is everything and she only gets better.

Rhonda Turner

Man, I love this soundtrack - this whole show is like one big memory-blast, lol!! Also, I don't know if anyone else pointed this out, but "Bob" - Sean Astin played Sam in The Lord of the Rings😊

brooke atkins

My generation knows him better as Mikey from the goonies. Lol guess I’m old

Mike the Ginger

I always felt that Season 2 was my personal favorite.


That is so funny! I thought something was wrong with my new headphones or my phone was playing my Spotify and your video at the same time🤣🤣🤣 I was tripping!


I still can't get over how much Billy looks like Rob Lowe from the 80s

Jesse (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-19 07:04:42 I agree with BJ. “If your in an argument with someone who’s drunk. Never ask them if they love you.” Haha. Good one yo. I would only add “ If you love someone who’s in recovery. Never say you want them to leave so you can get high.”
2023-07-19 02:54:36 I agree with BJ. “If your in an argument with someone who’s drunk. Never ask them if they love you.” Haha. Good one yo. I would only add “ If you love someone who’s in recovery. Never tell them you want them to leave so you can get high.”

I agree with BJ. “If your in an argument with someone who’s drunk. Never ask them if they love you.” Haha. Good one yo. I would only add “ If you love someone who’s in recovery. Never tell them you want them to leave so you can get high.”

Mike the Ginger

BJ: "I've never known how to read morse code." Asia: "I do." I don't know why but that made me laugh. Like Asia is a super-intelligent spy or something :D

Jesse (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-19 07:04:38 This music is dope as hell yo. It starts at 141:49 when Mike and Will are talking. Then it continues into the scene where Jonathan is helping out a red punch splattered, plastered Nancy. It’s called “Outside the Realm” by Big Giant Circles. If your like freaking out about sh#t and your mind feels like it’s doing loops then check out this loop yo. https://youtu.be/3gDiCo31dMs. It’s the same haunting but relaxing 3 minute and 30 seconds of music on an hour loop on YouTube. It’s a great way to totally chill, calm or fall asleep. All without the use of mind or mood altering chemicals. Even the sparkly blue crystal kind. 👍☮️💙
2023-07-19 03:22:54 This music is dope as hell yo. It starts at 141:49 when Mike and Will are talking. Then it continues into the scene where Jonathan is helping out a red punch splattered, plastered Nancy. It’s called “Outside the Realm” by Big Giant Circles. If your like freaking out about sh#t and your mind feels like it’s doing loops then check out this loop yo. https://youtu.be/3gDiCo31dMs. It’s the same haunting but relaxing 3 minute and 30 seconds of music on an hour loop on YouTube. It’s a great way to totally chill, calm or fall asleep. And all without the use of mind or mood altering chemicals yo. Even the sparkly blue crystal kind. 👍☮️💙

This music is dope as hell yo. It starts at 141:49 when Mike and Will are talking. Then it continues into the scene where Jonathan is helping out a red punch splattered, plastered Nancy. It’s called “Outside the Realm” by Big Giant Circles. If your like freaking out about sh#t and your mind feels like it’s doing loops then check out this loop yo. https://youtu.be/3gDiCo31dMs. It’s the same haunting but relaxing 3 minute and 30 seconds of music on an hour loop on YouTube. It’s a great way to totally chill, calm or fall asleep. And all without the use of mind or mood altering chemicals yo. Even the sparkly blue crystal kind. 👍☮️💙


Yes!!!! Thank you! Not to mention Winona Ryder is also an Alien alum. Then again, she's the ultimate 80's icon.

Deborah Lewis

Hurry, I need Bjs reaction to.." what's in the can"🤣🤣🤣🤣

Rhonda Turner

I think I'm probably a bit older than you - The Goonies cameout at about the same time as I was having my first child 😂- but somehow now we've all ended up in thesame place at the same time, very cool!!

Michael Paddon

Not made popcorn in years, but you just buy the right type of corn. Then I just used to put it in a saucepan with a little oil. Pop in the seeds and turn on some heat and put on the lid. They pop into popcorn, just like those ones prepackaged foil ones you saw. Then just salt or dust with powdered sugar plus butter.

Dan Gonya

Winston is awesome. He was the realistic ghostbuster just there for the steady paycheck!