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Game of Thrones S7.E7

This is "Game of Thrones S7.E7" by Asia Fourte on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Darth Brooks

Euron Greyjoy just forgot he left his goldfish back on the iron islands. Forgot it needed a walk, that's why he left so fast 😂

Fallon Hall

Theon was looking like Ronnie from "The Player's Club" ...."Ain't no balls there bitch!"


You guys were asking who is the father about Cersei being pregnant. You guys missed it in episode 5. She put her hands on her stomach and Jamie said who will you say is the father and she said you.


I had to laugh about Asia just figuring out the Mountain and the Hound are brothers. Season 2 and 3 there were a ton of comments explaining it. And in season 7 episode 7 it clicks because they are a similar height. Lol. I Love you guys. So entertaining And will they call Brandon Brawn for the whole show? Another reactor I watched called Tyrion, Tyrone all the way up to season 8. It’s funny after awhile. 😂

Chase Leviner

I think Baelish’s death was the most satisfying death in the show, for 7 seasons he lied and manipulated and was the root cause of all the death and fighting between starks and lannisters, and here finally got what was coming to him, a slit throat 😈 also the reaction to Jon’s (Aegons) real identity was great 😊


Y’all should watch House of Dragon next - even more mind blowing history that you’ll love on the Targaryens, Starks & Lannisters. Not to mention the dragons in HoD make Daenery’s dragons look like Chihuahuas 😎

Ron Shimon

This series is my favorite series of all time. And season 8 is gonna be epic


You guys asked why Bran and Sam didn’t tell Jon who he really is. Remember, Jon is on his way back to the North. He and Dany are on her ship. Bran/Sam are at Winterfell, so they couldn’t tell him and that kind of life changing info needs to be done face to face.


Another great reaction you guys! Loved it! My hubby and I couldn’t watch it until tonight and it was a perfect Friday late night treat. I agree littlefingers death was so epic and the way they did it. I believe that Sansa truly understood that LF was lying to her about Arya wanting to kill her in that moment when Peter was trying to encourage Sansa to figure out Aryas motives and when Peter said after you are killed what does she become, Sansa said “Lady of Winterfell” in that moment, Sansa knew, just like Arya always said “that’s not me” she doesn’t want that life 🤓

Mr Jackpots

That shows what kind of man Ned Stark really was. We always knew he was honorable, but he kept John Snow's real name a secret even from his wife and took it to his grave. Ever since he brought baby John back to Winterfell, he had to accept his wife's reaction to his seeming infidelity. Plus everyone in the Seven Kingdoms thought that the super honorable Ned Stark had a bastard child, including his other children. Imagine how keeping that secret must have hurt him more than any physical wound he took in battle.


The difference here is the reactor that called Tyrion by Tyrone the entire series was well aware of the proper pronunciation of the character’s name, he liked calling him Tyrone just like he called Littlefinger by Middlefinger, and Joffrey by Jeffrey. It was intentionally funny and his followers requested he keep calling them by those names. It’s only funny that A&BJ continue to call Bran by Braun/Brawn because it’s better to laugh at them at this point than be frustrated. I tell myself they are still messing up names this far in the series as a joke or it’s their accents causing them to pronounce it that way. 😏


Ned always kept his honor and never had an affair on Catelyn. He let everyone question his honor by keeping Lyanna's promise. Lyanna knew Robert Baratheon would kill Jon if he found out he was half Targaryen... especially if he found out Jon is Rhaegar Targaryen's son


It’s crazy to think that Ned was planning to tell Jon everything next time they met. Joffrey had Ned executed before that reunion could happen. Imagine how different things would’ve been if Ned was able to say, “Well, Jon. I guess you’re old enough to know the truth now. Have a seat…. no, not there! On the throne we’re about to go claim for you!”


I am so glad that you still could enjoy the scene of the reveal who Jon Snow is. After all the stupid spoilers here in the comments. Maybe the people who spoiled now see that its HERE where you supposed to really get it. Stop spoiling and let people find out and enjoy like we did watching for the first time. Good thing Asia and BJ obviously dont and cant read all comments.


Love Mr. Video he had the most unique GOT reactions and that 6 hour finale was amazing! I knew he was doing it purposely but it became so funny to me. Still sticks with me. 😂 I understand what you mean though with this. I am choosing to laugh about it and not be frustrated. These guys output schedule and the quality of the reactions make them the best reactors I have ever watched. So well worth it to me❤️❤️


So many reactors are spoiled at the end of season 6. Everyone pushes that R+l=j video at the end of season 6. It truly ruins the montage at the end of season 7. People just can’t wait and let it play out. It’s frustrating. This was absolutely refreshing to watch them figure this out during this episode. It’s the way it should be. There is another reactors that have the strictest mods you have ever seen when it comes to spoilers. Then the mods provide the videos at the end of season 6 to the reactors. And another one that reveals he is the heir and not a bastard. At the end of season 6! It’s ridiculous and truly ruined the entire experience for me. Definitely will not watch anything else with them after GOT. Asia and Bj you guys are the best. Thank you for delivering such wonderful content. I will be a long term subscriber and patreon no matter what shows you do for that very reason.


The reason Ned said I will tell you everything next time I see you is because at the point Jon would not be able to claim the throne. Joining the nights watch means you give up any rights to titles or crowns. It’s part of their oath. If Jon had left the nights watch to do that he would have been beheaded. Ned told him that because he knew Jon would be safe from Robert once he joined the Nights Watch. This was season 1 not season 6 when Jon came back to life. Then he was free of his vows and could claim the throne.


I was so excited for you to see Littlefinger’s death. Such a great twist. He was a cunning man but he made a mistake in that he greatly underestimated Sansa, and that completely undid years of his plotting and scheming Asia, good job catching that Jon is Daenerys’ nephew. I didn’t catch on to that until the show was over 😂


Little lore of the past behind Bran Stark's name. Nothing I write here is a spoiler for Season 8. "Brandon Stark, also known as Brandon the Builder and Bran the Builder, was the legendary founder of House Stark who is said to have lived during the Age of Heroes." ... "According to legend, Brandon built the Wall and Winterfell; some stories say he did this with the help of giants." SPOILER FREE Wiki: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Brandon_Stark_(Builder) P.S. if you click on the word "Wall", the hyper link has some cool tid bits on why an undead Dragon was required, in order for the White Walkers to breach the wall. Since their fire breathe is not only made of fire, but also of magic. "According to myth, there are old spells woven into the Wall, to strengthen it and keep creatures of a magical nature such as the Others from passing it."


Yes, I follow other reactors here and on yt and some have mods who delete any spoilers and its great.

Pink Martini AZ

And THIS is what I had in mind back when you started watching the first episode. I knew you both were in for a thrilling ride! The Jon Snow reveal is the best! I LOVED knowing that Ned was even more honorable than before. He did everything in his power to keep his promise to his dying sister and didn’t tell a soul about whose baby that was, even his wife Cat. Now we know he never cheated on his wife. It’s just too bad he never got to tell his nephew about his mother like he had planned to. Ned Stark is still and will always be my favorite character in the series. He instilled honor and strength in everyone he touched and it really shows in this episode. Theon apologies to Jon and got the courage and the loyalty to fight for his sister. Sansa, Aryia and Bran out foxed Little Finger and executed him in protecting their family and Winterfell. And Jon, bringing everyone in the kingdoms together to fight the real enemy. He was even true to his word by not lying to Cersi about who he will serve. Ned would be so proud.


Jon also grew up with a stepmother who resented his existence.


Oh that’s right yo. The “Love Boat” scene. Before this came out there was a build up and tense anticipation of them hooking up so I used to say “This is not a theory but a fact. J + D = JD. Jon + Daenerys = Jack Daniels. Because that’s what I’ll be drinking if I have to watch a nephew banging his aunt.” Haha. 🔥+🔥


Jon Snow the 🐉Targaryen Wolf 🐺. Real name Aegon Targaryen 6th of his name. Here's a cool Jon Snow tribute video, seasons 1-7, so no spoilers (GoT) Jon Snow | The Targaryen Wolf https://youtube.com/watch?v=uuDu43Gnyts&feature=share


In episode 5 when Drogon and Jon Snow came face-to-face , and Drogon was sniffing Jon... Drogon was smelling the Targaryen blood in Jon


Leo changed the names to street names on purpose. He kept up with the show, the plots, the details impressively well and his emotions were off the chain. He just took for damn near ever to get through it. 🤣

I❤️movies&tvshows (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-04 18:47:46 I wonder if we will finish the show this week. If Monday is 1&2. Wednesday is 3&4. Friday 5&6. I love the pace of this show. Asia&BJ I know sometimes you guys are farther ahead then we are here. Before you watch episode 3 it is absolutely essential to adjust the brightness/color on the tv you guys are watching it on. The entire episode is in the dark you are not going to want to miss any details. The first time I watched it on regular settings. The second time I watched it with the darkness adjusted and was amazed at how many details I missed. Because it was so dark. To test out the adjustment use the scene of Dani&jon in the cave. You should be able to clearly see their whole faces and what they are wearing. Plus all the dragon stones glittering around them. If you play with your tv settings on that scene between brightness, color and contrast you can get the picture to come in to fully see them and what they are wearing. The other episodes are not as bad on lighting.
2023-06-04 16:19:54 I wonder if we will finish the show this week. If Monday is 1&2. Wednesday is 3&4. Friday 5&6. I love the pace of this show. Asia&BJ I know sometimes you guys are farther ahead then we are here. Before you watch episode 3 it is absolutely essential to adjust the brightness/color on the tv you guys are watching it on. The entire episode is in the dark you are not going to want to miss any details. The first time I watched it on regular settings. The second time I watched it with the darkness adjusted and was amazed at how many details I missed. Because it was so dark. To test out the adjustment use the scene of Dani&jon in the cave. You should be able to clearly see their whole faces and what they are wearing. Plus all the dragon stones glittering around them. If you play with your tv settings on that scene between brightness, color and contrast you can get the picture to come in to fully see them and what they are wearing. The other episodes are not as bad on lighting.

I wonder if we will finish the show this week. If Monday is 1&2. Wednesday is 3&4. Friday 5&6. I love the pace of this show. Asia&BJ I know sometimes you guys are farther ahead then we are here. Before you watch episode 3 it is absolutely essential to adjust the brightness/color on the tv you guys are watching it on. The entire episode is in the dark you are not going to want to miss any details. The first time I watched it on regular settings. The second time I watched it with the darkness adjusted and was amazed at how many details I missed. Because it was so dark. To test out the adjustment use the scene of Dani&jon in the cave. You should be able to clearly see their whole faces and what they are wearing. Plus all the dragon stones glittering around them. If you play with your tv settings on that scene between brightness, color and contrast you can get the picture to come in to fully see them and what they are wearing. The other episodes are not as bad on lighting.


Yeaah I tried to remind them that there's been many hints that Jon is a Targeryen, even to the point that its been directly stated by his mother. (That Jon was a child born of love, not rape; regardless his father is who his father is) Yet had folks crying and shouting for me to get banned from Patreon for it. :(

Rio Mendoza

Please do not touch the brightness of your TV PLEASE adjust the contrast ok. Adjusting your brightness will only make things worse. If you have an OLED tv you should be fine. Dont touch the brightness.


When you adjust the brightness you also adjust the contrast. Which keeps the picture from washing out. Then turn up the color. It’s a clear picture where you can actually see the background, clothes and full face of the people. I own a home theater installation company. If you know how to adjust it correctly you can get a picture that is not in the dark. Especially when you are watching it in a room lit up with special lights to record the reaction during the daytime. It’s only on the tv they are watching it on. Not what we see when we look at them. Only episode 3 needs it.

Michael King

It was laid out at the end of the sixth season. By that time we’d already heard about Rhegar and Lianna. The fact that we saw she wasn’t ravaged, and asked Ned to protect him was all we needed to know. Still you had people WHINGING, as the hound says.🙄 there were no spoilers.


I’m assuming you’ve season 8 and since Ned is your favorite character do you think he would bend the knee to her cause I don’t

Chris Marrero

I do remember that about episode 3 when it first came on, and the viewers (myself included) were furious over how hard it was to see anything in that episode.

Pink Martini AZ

Hard to say. There is a big part of me that says he wouldn’t but then he may have supported her depending on the outcomes. Sort of like his buddy Robert, he was such good friends with him but Ned didn’t dig all the things Robert did or all of his views. Personally I never liked that Dani was demanding the “bend the knee” comments and I never wanted Jon to comply with that. But homie is letting lust cloud a bit of that thinking. I was admiring his honesty to Cersi though.


My Favorite Episode