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game of thrones s2. e3 and e4



🔥⚔️🧊. I’m happy to say that this made my day. Asia and BJ All The Way………...yo. 👍💙🐺🐉🦁🦌


Gwendolyn Christie is 6’3”!


When Mormont said, "We need men like Kraster" he meant for shelter. They're traveling through the wild beyond the Wall. There aren't places to stay, plus they're in an area where 99% of people they may encounter want them dead. They're in enemy lands. And don't worry about the names. It's tough and takes time! :)


I'm sounding like a broken record by now (sorry!!!), but subtitles would help 100% with the names, since they are very often unusual and unique. There's no one in GoT named Paulie and even the one Peter is not just Peter, it's Petyr 😂 In any case, seeing them spelled out would make them stick quicker, no doubt. And whoever said that you shouldn't look up out the characters is wrong. Why not? It's not like the names are spoilers. If anything, knowing the characters's names and even background makes the viewing more enjoyable. No? For those who have watched the series (no spoilers) - think about a CERTAIN scene... Would you have got it the first time if you didn't recognize the characters because you have not learned your basic GoT history, including names, beforehand? "Getting it" is not even the point. If you didn't know who's who half of the grandiosity of the scene would have been lost to you. You all know which scene I'm talking about, and it is grand, but it's grander if you can actually connect the dots momentarily. And that's all I'm gonna say about that 🤐🍿


Best moment BJ asking is that a contraction.

Joanie Archetto

Agreed!! I watch almost everything with subtitles anyway because my hearing isn't quite what it used to be. I find them even more helpful in shows like GOT, House of the Dragon, etc., where the names are so unusual.

Potato Jones

I think people forget how they started watching this. It took me until season 4 or 5 before I felt mostly okay with all the areas and bigger players. Not to mention some people are just better with faces than names.


Shae saying "I'm not a kitchen wench" like it's insulting or something... or it's beneath her. Which is very rude to them. Remember that Shae is also a whore.


Great reaction! All the Stark children got Direwolf pups in the first season. Lady was killed by Ned due to the river incident with Arya/Joffrey. Arya chased hers off during that time (Nymeria). Summer was on Brans bed. Look forward to more! ...and no worries on the names/places. It's a lot and takes time.


another great reaction, but the problem i have is seeing the dark scenes of the game of thrones, could you please raise the brightness of the screen the show is on


OMG! Thank you for releasing this today. I was so waiting for the next GoT, and saw your email update on this one. I just watched it. This is my 3rd time round watching the full series, and this time is with yall! I still love it. It's such a rich, complex story. I'm picking up things I didn't catch on my last run through the series. You forget it for a couple years and then rewatch it again, and it's like reliving it all over. This series is a gem, hope you know! Enjoy every episode! And a couple years from now, I know you will rewatch it all again too, on your own. :)


I don’t know who suggested that you guys watch the intro every time, but skip the recap, but they got that backward! Haha… The recap is relevant to the episode. The intro is cool… but it’s the same every time. 😂 Don’t mind me. Just trying to understand the advice people offer here.


C'mon man. If that music doesn't get you pumped up I don't know what does.


No, I disagree. You have to keep the intro. The music and map are epic! And, the map changes a little each time, shows you where the story is going! It's like you don't just watch a football game.... first you listen to that music that leads up to it, then the coin flip, or in basketball, you watch the teams run out in on the court to fancy music. It's same for this show. The intro puts you in the mood!


The actress who plays Brienne, Gwendolyn Christie, is actually that tall and Brienne is one of my favorite characters in this show.


No spoilers: Each of the stark children and Jon snow got a wolf. Jon’s wolf is Ghost. Bran’s wolf is named Summer Rickons Wolf is Shaggy dog Sansa’s wolf was lady Arya’s wolf is Nymeria and Robs Wolf is Grey Wind. Bran was dreaming that he was running and eating like he was inside the wolf during the dream. Maester Lewin assured him that’s not possible as even the dragons and giants don’t exist anymore. Arya and Gendry were taken prisoner to a place called Harrenhall. It was once a great castle but is a ruin now because of dragon fire as Arya rxplains. Also in this episode Tyrion promises Harrenhall to Lord Pertyr Baelish. Tywin Lannister who is Jamie, Tyrion and Cerseis father rides into Harrenhall and saves Gendry from torture. He also wants Arya as his cupbearer. Tywin has been leading the army against Robb Stark. Robert’s brothers are Stanis and Renley. Renley has 100,000 men ready to attack kings landing. Stannis tries to negotiate with his brother but ultimately decides to let the Red Women work her magic. That is the conversation Stannis was having on the boat with Davos. He asked Davos to bring the red women ashore and never speak of what happened. Jon Snow had followed Craster to see what happened to the baby boy. Jon saw what happened to the baby. Craster knocked out Jon and brought him back to his house. You guys have been confusing Craster and Jeor Mormont who is the Lord Commamder of the nights watch. When the episode started Craster threw Jon in the front door of his house. Then outside Jon confronted Mormont about seeing what Craster was doing with the boys. Mormont knew but looked the other way because once the night watch leaves the wall they need to be able to stop at Craster’s place for supplies. Beyond the wall the only shelter they have is Crasters keep.


New drinking game…. Every time you hear “The night is dark and full of terrors” or “winter is coming.” 🍺

Mary Merry Berry

Every time I get that GOT email it makes my day!! You guys are doing a great job. You are doing great with the names and places…it’s hard to remember them all, but you are figuring it out quick. Tyrion is one of my favorites because he calls people out and he strait up knows his family is full of jerks. 😂 so excited to see the next ones! Keep ‘‘em coming.


Dont worry about the names, im here to see a genuine first time reaction and thats just what i get, and im loving it, xD with this show its best to just sit back and experience, trying to do 'research' will surely spoil it for you. Cheers ;)


Thank you guys for posting GOT again. I"m happy to support you.


Each of the Stark children (plus Jon Snow) got a dire wolf for themselves. The wolf that belonged to Sansa (Ned’s oldest daughter) was ordered to be killed by the Robert Baratheon at Cersei’s request because Arya’s wolf (who attacked Geoffrey) wasn’t available, since Arya made her run away after she bit Geoffrey. The wolf that lives with Bran (crippled boy) is his own wolf. Robb Stark’s wolf travels with him from battle to battle.


No I didn’t, and I’ve seen this series at least 5 times. More importantly, did Asia & BJ notice? Isn’t that what matters? There’s no way the intro is more helpful than the recap, especially considering how many storylines are going on simultaneously.

Robert L

BJ when the Night watch guy was telling the story about killing the guy with the Ax he did it to avenge his brother.

Wayne Polk

Great reaction! Prepare to have your minds blown. Yall ain't seen nothing yet lol.

Robert L

Tyrion did send Ned’s body. It wasn’t meant as disrespect. Tyrion sent Ned’s body so he could be given a proper burial at his home in Winterfell.

Robert L

Lol Cersei is not Ned’s daughter. Sansa is Ned’s daughter.


Tyrion shipped Myrcella Lannister to Dorne, becuz the Lannister's need allies , and marriage alliances were the best way. The Dornish we're the only ones to hold off Aegon The Conquer , when the Targaryens conquered Westeros. They say Aegon Targaryen was king of the 7-Kingdoms , but really, it was 6 becuz of Dorne never bent the knee


One thing you might wanna consider, Asia and BJ. Not sure how the rest of the audience feels about this. When I watched it I used subtitles. For me, it helps remember the names and places if I can both see them and hear them. Plus if you have to talk real quick and miss a line, it’s up on the screen for a second and you can still read it. Just a thought, as long as everyone else doesn’t hate having them up

SwO Beatz

You are starting the catch the subtle but meaningful looks, statements, references .. and that means you're diving deeper into the show. Amazing to see. 1. Cercei is the Queen, Tyrion's Sister, Jaime's boo thang. Ned's daughter is Sansa. 2. The part you didn't 'catch: Stannis asked the guy to smuggle the Red Lady (Melisandre) onto the shore close to ********** (would be a spoiler)

SwO Beatz

Why would they need to get to shore? Stannis is based on Dragonstone. If you look at the map of westeros you will see where dragonstone is in relation to everything else Good spoiler free map: https://imgur.com/XhQ1Ipu

Lee Stephenson

Folks are doing great but Cersei- is the queen who likes to get down with the get down with her relatives. Sansa- is the eldest of Ned Starks girls who is to be wedded to Joffery. One thing I will say about Game of Thrones is yes there is soooo many ppl but I did wonder why they had to use so many names that sound alike to confuse us more lol Both of you are really catching on tho!!! But be careful-= For the night is Dark and Full of Terrors. Muahahahahaha


One of my favorite characters as well. Gwendolyn is 6 foot 3 inches. : )


Fun fact , the girl Talisa who sawed the guys leg off , the actress name is Oona Chaplin. In real life, her great grandpa was Charlie Chaplin


Your reaction to the end of episode 4 was PRICELESS. 🤣🤣🤣 One thing to note, Tyrion sent Ned’s bones to Cat as a respectful gesture. So she could give him a proper burial instead of keeping his head on a pike in King’s Landing. Also not sure if anyone else in the comments clarified, but Theon was taken as a pseudo-prisoner back when his father fought the Starks and lost. So while he was raised in Winterfell with the Stark family, he’s really from Pyke and Balon Greyjoy’s son. He expected to have a warmer welcome when he returned, but I don’t think Balon considers him his son anymore. And Theon faced a choice to warn Robb that the Greyjoys were going to attack them or join his birth family in turning on the Starks. He chose the latter and I think he did it to be accepted by his father.

Mr Jackpots

You should put the subs on. Seeing the names really helps. I don't know if you picked up on this because it went past pretty fast, but the Khalisi's bodyguard, Sir Jorah, is the son of the commander of the Night's Watch on the ice wall. He disgraced the family by selling captured poachers to slavers and was exiled. The commander, Jeor Mormont, only mentioned this once to Jon Snow.


B.J., I felt when you said, "So far, I would live by the wall." same.

shawn boyce

The names are just a bit off in this fantasy world and there are a lot of them (fewer than the books but, still a lot). If your tooth pain get really bad use oil of cloves but, don't swallow any of it & a little goes a long way. Have something to spit into in hand too.


Hi Asia and BJ, I hope the next episodes you watch with subtitles. it becomes much easier with people’s names and places. Each of the families has a sigil: Stark = Direwolf (you’ll see the wolf on their flags) Baratheon = Stag (when Robert’s brothers, Stannis and Renly met up on their horses, Renly commented that it would be confusing if they both had the same sigil. Stannis changed his to include a heart Targaryen = Dragon (the reason Daenerys “Khaleesi” calls herself a dragon is because the dragon is her family banner Lannister = Lion (If you’re not sure which war camp you are watching, look for the animal on their flag. At one point during the episode, someone mentioned war strategy between the wolf (Robb Stark) and the lion (Tywin Lannister) They do that often on the show. Asia, you were asking about the wolves. Bran was dreaming that he was looking through his wolf’s eyes and seeing what she was seeing and then the wolf jumped on his bed. She had probably just made a kill which was why there was blood on her face. Robb’s wolf travels with him and it was Robb’s wolf who was growling at Jamie a couple episodes back. Jon Snow’s wolf is at the wall with him. When Drogo died, most of the Dothraki people left because they refused to follow Daenerys as a woman, but she is trying to save the Dothraki people who stayed with her. Brienne is the kings guard that we met and the actress is 6’ 3” tall Joffrey is just sadistic and enjoys torturing people. The Red woman is a witch and that is why she looked 9 months pregnant after being with Stannis Baratheon only once in a previous episode. We learn more about that black smoke that she “birthed” Theon (Thee-on) is the guy who returned home to get ships and his father was talking down to him. He mentioned that his father gave him away and the father said that his time with the wolves (Starks) has made him weak. He grew up with the Starks and has been like another brother to Robb Stark. If you remember the episode when Bran was riding on the horse and a few wildlings tried to rob him, it was Theon who saved Bran. Asia, you also asked about the winter. In this world, winter can last for years. They have been living in summer which has lasted about 9 years. That is why they are concerned. They don’t know if they will have enough food to last for several years etc. Tyrion is not like his siblings, he showed Sansa compassion when Joffrey was messing with her and he is very clever figuring out who he can trust by telling different things to different people. His sister, Cersei, is sleeping with their cousin Lancel who used to pour King Robert’s wine and Tyrion has now blackmailed Lancel to spy on Cersei and report back to him Back to the white walkers. People believe there’s no such thing or that they’ve been gone for a thousand years. But when Jon Snow followed to see what was gonna happen to the baby boy, he said he saw something and when he asked his Commander about it, Jon realized his Commander knew what happens to baby boys. We did see Tyrion’s father, Tywin towards the end of the last episode, he recognized that Arya was a girl dressed as a boy. I hope I answered all of the questions you had 😊

Bob M

But I’m guessing the idea to not tell her what was in the box so she would open it was Little Finger’s.


Ned's bones being return to Lady Catherine is a goodwill gesture by Tyrion. The Stark Family wanted his body back to bury in the family crypt under Winterfell next to Ned's sister. Joffery had no intention of giving Ned's body back, Tyrion return him to the Family. It's a positive moment.


We all know there are a ton of characters, don't worry. We won't hold it against you, just enjoy the show.

Pink Martini AZ

Yeah not sure why people are telling them NOT to look up the character map. I think they just see Asia looking at her phone and freaking out without knowing she’s only looking at her character map.

Pink Martini AZ

I agree with you Sivan. I mean yeah, kind a cool fun fact that the map changes a wee bit in showing what household will be in the episode, but totally not needed. It will be shown in the episode itself. As much as I like the intro map and music, the recap of the prior episode is more important.


Bran was telling Maester Lewin about dreaming of being inside his wolf (Summer) and hunting and eating. So when Summer came up to Bran in bed, that is why there was blood. Summer had been actually out hunting and eating. BTW y'all are doing great. Took me watching the whole series a few times to catch and remember names, places and relationships.


I think since you have come up with your conclusion on Petyr Baelish's 'character' and what he Little Finger is up to, I can now share, many of us call him "Middle Finger". I don't like to tell people that if they haven't come to the conclusion like Asia said "he started the whole thing". (Betraying Ned).

Pink Martini AZ

No spoilers, just answers to your questions of tonight’s episodes. One of Rob Stark’s and his mother Cat Stark’s demands to the Lannisters was to have Ned Starks remains. But Cercei ripped them up. Tyrion even said they should at least send them. So he figured out he could trust Little Finger the most (out of those three he tricked) to deliver the remains as goodwill and to convince Cat to set Jamie (king slayer) free. Getting Jamie back is a way for Tyrion to win favor with his dad and Cercei I think. Plus he knows Little Finger can do the best job in convincing Cat to do it since he is in love with her. Al least that’s my take on it. Your reactions are gold! I’m with you Asia when you said to the Red Witch to move out of the way! Haha. I was always bored with her nonsense. Haha


Gwendoline Christie, the woman who plays Brienne of Tarth, is 6’3” in real life 😊 Michelle Fairley, who plays Catelyn Stark is 5’5. There might be a bit of smart camera work or other enhancement, but she really IS that tall. She is bffs with Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, who plays Jamie Lannister, and she kind of towers over him in the tabloid photos. I love her. She’s one of my favorite characters. I’d forgotten that Margery Tyrell shows up this early. No spoilers, but I think you’ll love her grandmother, Olenna Tyrell. She’s also one of my favorites 😎😂 Others have mentioned subtitles and I think I turned them on from season 2 onward because I was getting names confused. And the Red Woman still confuses me. I’m not a huge fan of that part of the storyline, but I think it’s just because I was far more interested in other ones. Every storyline plays a role.


And Robb’s wolf is Grey Wind. Rickon’s is Shaggydog. We don’t see much of them although they do make appearances


Asia - "You can skip the recap" 10 seconds into the episode... Asia - "Ohhh, that is... that is that boy that...???" hahaha Yeah, those recaps can help, I tell ya :) They usually show you, or remind you, of past things that happened so when you see them.. when the show goes back to them, you don't have to recall too far back. It helped my old brain I tells ya!! Loving your take on this stuff guys. It is truly awesome!!!


that reaction to the red woman giving birth to "death" as BJ put it had me dieing hahahahaha u guys have the best reactions hands down


It is Hard to keep up with names and everything going on. I know a lot of people that took a ton of notes to keep up. Not easy to keep all of this info straight.

Kevin Przy

I've mentioned subtitles/captions a few times to them as well it really helps


Subtitles would really help. It helps u not miss anything , and it definitely helps u remember the names of the characters. Actually, now I never watch anything without subtitles since GOT


You guys seem to love the theme song! Check out this sick remix!! Its a bunch of guitar players at guitar center playing the theme song with bunch of improv! https://youtu.be/6i0a7RDPkM8


Don’t worry guys. Everybody that has watched GOT is lost at some point. Many a time I had to go back and rewatch an episode. If you lose concentration for a minute you will miss something important. I would say to keep checking the names if it helps.

Lift Me (Dave)

Recap is cool. Gets ya up to date and sparks memory. ...but i am old so...lol


Trust me when I say we had 30 minute “water cooler” discussions every Monday at work.


naw the red lady a demon fr


dont worry about the names!!! We know who you mean, I'm just happy to see your reactions to this show!


Is there a way you would make the screen we see a lot bigger? When there are subtitles, they are too tiny to read. Also, when the picture is dark, I can't see anything! Ty!!

Cynthia M Farrington

Gwendolyn Christie, who plays Brienne of Tarth, is 6’3.

Cynthia M Farrington

Willem with the blue eyes killed the man’s brother like Joffrey killed Aria’s father. He’s helping Aria cope with her grief and anger so she can sleep at night.

Cynthia M Farrington

Cersei is the Queen, Joffrey’s mother. Sansa is the Stark girl engaged to marry Joffrey and will be the queen once they are married.

Cynthia M Farrington

The smuggler was ordered to smuggle the red woman into King’s Landing.

Ed Curtis

Each Stark kid received a dire wolf that they’re paired with, almost like kindred spirits or like a soulmate. We saw Lady (Sansa’s wolf, I think?) killed in Season 1 when Ned was forced to execute her after Goffrey was bitten by the other Stark dire wolf that fled. Also, Sansa = Stark girl. Cerci = the queen (Goffrey’s mother).

Cynthia M Farrington

I love how Jon Snow also got a direwolf and it’s white. He named him Ghost.

Michelle C

The show got a lot of complaints about how dark it was sometimes it was the way the director wanted it apparently especially one certain episode that's coming in the future it was really hard to see. I'm not sure you can do anything on your end


A favor for his dad is part of it. But he also actually just want his brother back. They do get along. Jamie is the only sibling that actually cares for Tyrion.


OMG, BJ's reaction to Melisandre giving birth to Stannis' smoke baby! 😩😂