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Let me tell you what i did for each Project,

Everything is basically under Harem, because it all works with the Framework!

Since the last time where i coded on large parts of the dialogue system, this time i focused on how it is shown to you♥

I got the feedback from the Fluffrooms game that the dialogue was sometimes appearing and from that i started to think about it.

In my older games (RebeccaSuckingham) i had little "Speechbubbles" near their head, which worked fine but also was a bit buggy and large bubbles would stop you from seing what is happening, so i removed that and replaced it with something more "Readable" but booring (Simple subtitle with a image of the NPC)

For this i wrote a "face capture" function which would take a Picture of only its Head, it ate too much framerate for now, but i am thinking of activating realtime capture optionally in the future, for pictures alone this works well enough when you save a NPC after editing it so the preview picture is how it looks after your changes.

But this did not solve the booringness and you had no idea where someone was talking,
So i changed it to this:

*Video link here* 

You see it stays at the NPC talking and properly stops at the screens border, it also has a little sound, this way you can kinda hear the dialogue even if there is no voice for that line.

It is saved inside a Array and depending on the Mood, Size and Stamina this sound changes, for Mood there is a different set of clicking sounds and for stamina+Size the Pitch is adjusted.

In the end it would be nice having Voice actors for most Dialogues, i tried AI Voices but except for very specific cases they are no match for real people.

And this clicking does the job i think for now and is better then loveless AI dialogues.

Frost Specific

For Frost Specific i implemented the Language system because it was easier to just implement it than to use placeholders.

Its pretty easy let me explain,

When you meet specific characters you don't know their language, everything you can read are Fantasy words the game made up.

How it works

It takes the english word, and generates a Fantasy unreadable word, it then saves this word for all future encounters so the word itself stays the same.

Now how to "Learn" new words?

its easy, everytime you hear a sentence where you at least know one word, all other words in this sentence get a little "Confidence" boost.

When the confidence level is above 90% the Generated word gets replaced by the english one.

  • This has the goal of adding a little mystery to new encounters, with a fast natural feeling way of progression for meeting different tribes in Frost.

Your Little Pony

I also completley refurbished my Pony character model,

Before it looked more like a Mule than a pony.

*Comparison image Pony V1 - V2*

On the face i tried to get the "cartoon" look i always wanted,

Most noticible are the changes on the Eyes and Nose.


You know there are multiple ways of doing eyes, most do them with a sphere which works very well, but with cartoon characters like this the eyeballs would be bigger than the head so how to do that?

Using a cylinder as base...

Using non rounded eyes has the big problem of animating, how to deform it so that the Iris is always on the surface and how to point it?

Your Friend, the UV Space

Moving things in Uv (Texture) space is pretty easy, left to right up to bottom no problem.

So i made  a Dynamic eye shader which uses Masks to make an Cartoonish Eye.

And with a bit of code which converts a "Look at Direction" to a X and Y  Value for each eye, we get this.

Other big changes are the Pelvis, chest and genital areas,



And also Chestfluff♥

And Mane!

Which can react to your and her body as well as one world collision primitive,

This is a custom system which i build because unreal does not support collisions of particles outside the Physics asset, it was well worth building.

So thats all for now 

i am happy how the ponies turned out can't wait to add them to Your harem!


Your Furrier



Extinct Entity

looking forwards to the release!


Agreed looking forward to the release!

Wayne sills

Man i am loving all this work you did

Wolfy Wet Furr

Gosh, getting the tail to interact with your body is really neat. I also like the new shape and look for your updated pony.