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Its been way too long since the last devblog, next weeks i will post more because there is again soooo much things...

I also streamed on Discord feel invited to join in on the server: Invite

There i want to do a stream every weekend, you can keep Saturday 20gmt in mind, but check on the server if i had to change it.

Now the Final version of Fluffyrooms,

you may have played the first version of it which was a nice experiment with procedural level generation/streaming assets and fixing things for Harem.

Since i wanted to finish this project i wanted to have Version 3 the final version which is now almost ready, (last weekend i streamed fixing some bugs)

-Introduction to the cuddle gameplay mode (also used for Harem)

Don't want to spoil the fluffrooms events so this is alot of thext, but you soon can test it out yourself.

As a rough explanation:

You can blend animations by "Dominance" the "pyramid" down there is split into three areas,

Sub - A Submissive animation

Dom - A Dominant animation

Top - Climax


You can move between those areas, depending on the Sub/Dom state of your partner it can be easier or harder to move.

Pressing W or Forward it will move the Pointer in the Pyramid up, which makes the Animation faster and stronger.

  • On the submissive side You are the dominant.

    -The character will say something depending on her Sub/Dom, obedience or Love value ("Faster Please!"  (hold Forward down will grab and pull her)

  • On the Dominant side You are the Sumissive one.

    -Pressing forward for a short time will make your Avatar talk to your partner ("Faster"). (hold down will key to grab and push her)

  • Holding downForward increases your strength (your stamina lowers faster but you move faster inside the "Pyramid").

This is the same for all for direction keys, "Forward" "Back" "Left (Sub)" "Right(Dom)".

Moving all the way to the Left or Right gives you selection for Different animation modes.

Climax area:
Inside the Pyramid every Character inside an event with you has a little Point,

The closer you are at a Point the more you move it, you can then Push/Pull your partner where you want and move it up to climax.

While you do this each participant can climax as often as it wants, the ultimate goal would be making all participants Climax at the same time, the score for each climax you see in the top area the more it fills the higher the climax score.

Not for Fluffrooms but for Harem:
Depending on where you are on the pyramid when your partner hits the top part it will be "trained" more dominant or submissive.

The Level Generator
With the first versions of Fluffrooms i learned alot and had to try something more efficient and better for level Generation, the old Generator is still there for some levels.

First generator how it works:
It generates "cells" around the player for this it gets the player location and every possible grid location in distance around the player.
It then placed a Static mesh actor inside the FluffyWorld actor, added lights and objects.

This has the problem of doing those location checks every few milliseconds/seconds which by a grid of 400x400 is alot, even if there are 10 places to spawn it makes a little lagspike.

I midigated this effect by spawning actors over a few frames which smoothes out the lag a bit and makes it less severe/noticible.

The Second Generator:

Download LevelGen2.mp4 under attachements

This uses a much different idea,

It works with actors which then itself hold components in a "seed" growing way.

For this one start point exists in a level,
The seed then spawns rooms and hallways on certain points on itself, those repeat this process, connect up with each other and basically go on forwever.

Only what is visible can generate, and it chooses depending on what you see what to show and hide.
This makes it so that at max only like 50 of those actors are shown and their calculations can be dynamicly changed depending on their distance.

The cool thing with this is that hallways are there but not loaded, so the generation is done only one, and then for only a handfull actors. This makes it not being performed in a single thread and removes lagspikes quite alot.

It can also generate Rooms with doors, those rooms spawn when you open the door and unload when it closes and you are outside, the cool thing with this is we can stream in complex events and load/unload them easy.

Especially for Fluffy characters it is crucial to have a good system for loading tons of data the fluff is the most important part♥

This is why i implemented this only for fluffrooms feature into harem, for use on the palace.

it can not only generate infinite interconnected environments it can also be instructed to spawn specific things at places, for the palace it loads such a actor for every tower and room, this way you can have tons of characters at your Palace as long as not all are in the same place (yet)

Dialogue system

Also new is the Dialogue system which is now drawn much better to read and supports different "Languages" which are Fantasy languages which you first can not understand, but the more often you hear a word the more it raises a "Confidence" value, as soon as this hits 100% you "Learn" the word.

The more words you know the faster you learn, this happens pretty fast as soon as you know a few words :)

Fluffrooms story
There is also a little story, which is optional.

Find out the truth behind the fluffrooms and explore places never visited before.

I also have a little Coopreration with MommyLovesYou,

She is a voice actress which i think has the perfect voice for Sultana from Harem,

Then i saw maybe a month ago that she did something called "Edgeware" which was interesting but was cooded poorly and behaved kinda like a malware,

So i changed my Sultana voice test to a very nice and addictive minigame,

I Post the Game here: Link

What is it:
It lets you import your lewd video/image/gif collection and mixes them with Sultana or Scarlet in the background talking to you.

The catch is, that you can "Vote" on images or Timecodes, the more entries it has the more the game spams you with things you like.
There is also a Heart which fills in the background, your goal is to not let the heart fill up (by doing any action).

This was a fun experiment and now i even have a awesome voice actress for Sultana.

Will be back very soon with another devblog♥

Your furrier,





Wooooooooo! Thats what we were waiting for boy! Wooooooooo.