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First Sorry for that waiting time, i know it feels like forever. :c

I really wished i had would have frost done for christmas, and after christmas i had to work + family visits, so i could only work a few hours a day on fixing dialoge scripts and adding features that i told myself would not be in the game because of time limits :x

i can say i am really close to a releasable version of Frost, on my list are still a few things that need some attention like as mentioned before, the Dialoge scripts which are a bit of a pain to work on but now i at least know how to do something like it^^

And some bugs with the newest engine version, i actually had to rebuild from Source + changing some parameters to get it running with the new release, but i feel the better framerate is worth it.

I would like to share some screenshots with you,

Some Scary, Fun and Fluffy Adventures are waiting for you in Frost :3

I will do my best fixing everything as quick as possible and you will have Frost in just a few days!

After that, i will concentrate on finishing 0.9 or maybe 1.0 of Fantasy Harem, which you can expect in a few weeks *FingersCrossed* you can now play every character you feel like, even the kitties, horsies and wolfys :3

And from the next version of Harem, there will be nightly or at least weekly builds for you to test, 

i re coded nearly everything for the next version of fantasy harem, and i have the feeling i actually beginning to know what i am doing ^^

and even if 1.0 is the next version, it will not be the last! 

It is more like 1.0 is the first version of the Beta, so don't worry about me quitting Fantasy harem, it is a long time project, and will not be finished until YOU are happy with it! :3

Will be back very soon with Frost! 

And Thank you for your patience, 

i know my time estimates are often too optimistic, but know its not out of bad will, it is because making games is hard and i am still learning.

But with every day i am getting better and faster!


Your Furrier,




These screenshots are really promising. :D Can't wait to see more progress. ^^


Thank you, when it is cold outside you need some fluff to warm up! :3

Wayne sills

Take your time the game looks Beautiful cant wait


Wow, I actually have so much respect for this, you actually give consistent project updates. Looking forward to the release.


Thank you♥ You are awesome! I will keep you updated, and if you ever feel i was too silent for a period of time, let me know sometimes i need a little reminder to get out of polygonworld and post something ^^


Your work is certainly worth the wait! I hope you had a good holiday.


I have to admit that I'm getting impatient. this is not meant badly, but it just looks so good after the pictures that you don't want to wait any longer ^^


Exceeding expectations yet again. Also, i feel like it's very appropriate to give frost some spook, good ideas all around!


I Love your Work and i am so Positive for the Future with you. ♥

Wolfy Wet Furr

Gosh, Frost is looking like it will be allot more involved and epic than I first anticipated. Since I only expected a single scene. Also, I am pretty excited about all the creatures in the harem being playable!


originally frost was just one scene, but i wanted to learn about doing adventure games, and how to do a dialoge system, NPC's with pathfinding and ai. frost was a good learning project for this. And those characters are already excited to meet you, especially the fluffy cuddly ones :3


And the best thing is, the main character is You! :3 remember three times bottom right ;)


i am getting impatient too ^^ i want you to explore it and hopefully having some fun and distraction :3


Thank you so much♥ It was a quite relaxing New Year's Eve, could be like this every year ^_^ hope you had fun too!


With every day, my excitement grows, looking forwards to seeing the amazing work!


It won't grow that much longer, getting close to a release, had a few problems with the Dialoge system and some had to be redone sorry for that delay won't be much longer ❤️


Merry February, I have the tingles, I sense that the approach of Frost is near, and I am ecstatic with joy! Also much love to ya Furrier!


Already compiled a release overnight but then noticed I forgot to activate the save game system 😑 compiling this takes hours this is my biggest project to date feels like I say that with every release but it's true 😄


I'm already excited when it's released ^^


Like every day I tell myself, '' today I get it done'' then I get home from my job and I work on the todo list and every day I find something that's missing or I get a idea that needs to be in there, like yesterday I had a idea that solves the problem that when you get very close to the fur, the framerate tanks because it is calculated in screenspace, now there is a system that looks at your framerate and how close the fur is and reduces the screenpercentage so that you always get at least 30fps, it is not noticible when you look at it and it saves the day for the first person and eventually vr mode. It can be activated or disabled inside the graphics menu for people that have like nasa computers :3


Just got a new water cooler installed! Should be able to handle frost just fine.


Dang scalpers hoarding all the new GPUs! Hoping my 1070 can handle it. If not, 2070 laptop should be able to handle it


Hey how is it going ?


Working as fast as I can, still adding details and searching for bugs, noticed a few clipping issues on which I have a awesome idea on fixing that gives hopefully some very nice deformations of '' fluffy bunny balls'' you know what I mean 🐰 😅


I can imagine it won't take that long and I can look forward to the game soon.


My fingers are still fighting with the keyboard but head is getting sleepy 🤤


Rejoice all the more when it's released, I'm already doing it 😇


I must say, the thing I like most about your Patreon is how active you are in the comments. You have responded to most of us here even though we are all pretty much asking the same questions lol.


So how are you doing ?