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Merry Christmas everyone!

For those who eagerly await Frost.

Don't you worry, 

i am in the process of fighting against bugs and secretly adding features that first i told myself are not going to get in this release...

You see i am working in full christmas spirit! (That is secret code for a bit drunk)

You can excpect a delivery of many many fluffy bits and bytes very soon :3

now with that out of the way, let me tell you!

The last year,

was for everyone pretty crazy, and i hope my content gave you at least some distraction from this world out there. :3

You may have noticed, that most of my games are in a pretty unfinished state, the only defense i have for that is:

i didn't made the bugs, i just made poopy code :x

During the past year i learned so many new exciting things, 

i love making videogames, 

and i want to become better at it!

When you learn on how to make games, you need to concentrate on two primary things,

Artwork and Code

sometimes i really wanna try an artsyle 

or a different topology and or rigging (Characters)

sometimes i got a awesome idea that needs to be coded right now!

Like a PonyTrainer minigame that will be released as soon as epic fixed a game breaking bug :c

but the important thing is, 

i am always working on one or another project of mine, and i am having fun!

And now that i am really starting to understand how things are working both in Engine and in Techical artwork.

Things that provided my with headache a year ago, like: 

how to do savegames and how to get variables from one place to another, and how about firing that event thats a dispatcher and needs to get assigned and on and on and on

are now routine and i do crazy things i did not even imagined a year ago like a custom fluid solver (for you know what) or multidimensional blendspaces that are controlled by mysterious forces :O

and all of this fluff just because of one very important person!


thank You♥ so much for your generous support during the past year,

You are giving me the chance to learn that what i love doing most, 

making games!

And there are many exciting projects on the way,

i hope you have fun with my games and if you got any problem, let me know, i am here to help!


Your Furrier,

2021 is getting WILD!



Merry Christmas to you

Wayne sills

Have a merry Christmas to you and have fun!!


I wish you and youre Community have a nice Christmas, with youre Family. ♥♥♥♥


Happy Holidays Furrier!

Wolfy Wet Furr

Much love for you Furrier. I'm glad to see you doing what you love, and getting to share it.