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After way to long waiting time i have again something to share with you♥

I hope you see that i was not sleeping the last few weeks, 

i learned so many new things and i now think that i am ready to do some stuff with a bit more gameplay and better games for you!


So thats what happend the last few weeks,

First i had everything in one Animation blueprint, but that fast got out of hand with that many animations, 

so i made it again, seperated into different Animation blueprints,

But i could not simply Child animation blueprints because they sometimes behave differently with animation data... sign...

So i made everything a third time, and this time it just worked fine and i solved so many limitations i had, such as multiple furry characters with Fur Physics and Morph targets and more.

My frustration tolerance paid of, i now have a System in that i can implement new animations events and Features by building on top of it.

+ 3ds Max wasn't helping

My actual working file... no worry the data is save just everytime it crashes it makes this....

So what is new?

-150 Animations, some not final (will fix that!)

-You can change between Human or ZeMan, each with unique animations!

-New Gameplay, you can interact with characters everywhere and they walk around and are doing stuff!

-Mini game open your harem to NPC Guys to earn Gold for which you can buy more Characters.

-New Subsystem supports (in theory 512 active characters)

-Early implementation of my Fluid System

-New Optimized Mesh for Lioness.

-Five new Characters! Six if you count the ZeMan.

-Basic Audio, No Music at the Moment.

New in 0.8b:

-Fixed many crashes and Fatal errors.

-New Blend space technique for animations

-Three new Animations for Pantress and Gepard

-Fixed Level transition to the Outside world

-Better Performance in general

And Much more i forgot!



The Events such as the heart bed and some of the Sitting events are missing Animations, will Add these Events in a later Version.

For Now only some free standing and Sitting Poses and Interactions are Possible, please understand that the Gameplay for All Animation modes are not Done or are Missing!

I will try release a New version more often, now that i have the base i can just add new animations or events or anything :D

Will have some free days the week after this, will really try finishing at least the Heartbed Event till then :3

Known Issues:

Humans are T-Posing when interacting with Sitting Characters, this is because the animations are missing, will be fixed very soon! :3

This is my Biggest release Yet YAY!!!


Windows x64:

0.8b -Newest!

Mega.nz - ~3GB 

Gdrive - ~3GB

(There are some people where mega does not work, if you are one if those uploading to gdrive at the moment)

Older Versions (The older versions do have Different animations and it's worth a look)

Mega.nz V0.3

Mega.nz V0.1


Save Your Game before quitting! (Press ESC, and then Save Game)

Save Games are under Appdata/Local/Fluffy

If you experience problems try deleting the save file (after backuping it of course :)

I feel i am beginning to really understand the engine and making games in general, i got so much practice from this little project alone, and all because thanks to YOU♥.

Thank You for your patience with me,


Your Furrier,

Thanks for reading till the end!

here you have a short guide:

A Price of 50g is Optimal.. i think

Behind the throne something...

renroc thgir mottob eht ni semit fo elpuoc a kcilC

Outside is yet nothing interesting!


 In the future there will be gameplay and stuff there. 

Its the Town from above,

Feel Free to explore!

Everyone of my 10$ Patrons can choose a House there and a Text that is on it.

Houses 14 and 34 are already taken,

Please Write in the comments which one you like to Reserve for yourself!

only while stocks last so be quick!

See You Soon!

Houses Taken/ already reserved:

NOTE: All houses are reserved, but dont be sad, when i finished them there will be something different next time already got some fun ideas about that :)












































Your Houses will be ready by the next update or the one after that, will contact you via PN when it is ready and give you your personal passcode :3




Loving the changes. I am getting a lot of CTD with a "fatal error". Seems to linked to sex animations. Setting Harem to "open" will result in "fatal error" message almost instantly after spawned npc begin interacting. Bugs are to be expected but looks good so far :)


Thank you for reporting, will look into this! Today after work :3


Fantastic to see you're alive and well, love the work you've done so far and well worth the wait. MEGA seems to be unresponsive for me however most likely client-side. Would I be able to reserve house '2'? Hope your shift goes well today too! :p


Thank you♥ btw i already fixed this bug, first i did not get it but as i deleted my shader code and compiled it new it crashed it was the fur physics! That was an easy one, added a feature that enables/ disables it better and automaticly and without crashing, but will not be able to upload until later that day, but fix comming 100% today! alrady compiled and packaged!


House 2 is yours, my internet is really slow but i can upload it to another filehoster if you know one that takes big files and does not require phone number by registration... like google drive :c


thank you again for reporting, fixed it already and will upload when i get back home later today, if i would be a sim, over my head would appear three +++ for your help! Did not got this error during my testing because of pre compiled shader code will include this into my testing in the future.


have not played the new version yet but would like to reserve something :D The 42 actually looks very good, which I would like to take


i'll take 27


Hey Furrier, I'm really looking forward to the game and don't get so stressed out. You can do it and we will cheer you on too. ^^


this is a very cool game^^ thank you very much :3


i would like to take house 1

Corwyn Johnson

Glad to see the crashing was addressed while I was asleep! Also I'd like house 3.


♥ that like button is not enough for that comment, here have a couple more ♥ ♥


House 13 because I'm lucky! :P

Wolfy Wet Furr

Deciding between 42 and 17. Are their stairs to navigate the multi level buildings? This is a pretty neat way to include your patrons. My first preference is 42 if it is easy to navigate to and is the full building. If not, then 17.


Hey Furrier, I successfully downloaded and tested the game so I have to tell you. That I like it very much and it is a good job of you. LG SW <3 <3 <3 <3

Joe Doe

I would like house 27!

Tr Photography

I'd like to reserve 15 please! We can put a name on it right?




Well i would like to take a 6 :V

Wolfy Wet Furr

On a side note, I found that if you change avatar from the zebra in the middle of the standing cuddle interaction, to the human, it is likely to leave the panther floating and animated in the standing "cuddle" position while starting the player back at the entry way. But I can still exit event and it will reset the kitty just fine. Though starting as a human, if you cuddle with the panther near the couch, the panther has a chance of leaving the cuddle animation to lay on the couch. Leaving the human stuck and unable to exit the interaction.


I'd like to reserve number 37.


House 4 please


Will make sure there is always a four leaf clover outside for you :D

Furrier (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-29 13:51:55 its yours! &lt;(^.^)&gt;
2020-10-10 18:55:22 its yours! <(^.^)>

its yours! <(^.^)>

Wolfy Wet Furr

Yes, I will have 17 please. Thank you very much. This is a really cool way to include your patrons in your project. Thank you. <3 Also, have you considered uploading the images in this update post to online galleries? They are pretty and could be nice teasers.


House 5 please


Hey Furrier i will take the Housenumber 34 plz ^^


Thanks♥ for the Bugreport, will be fixed with the next update :3 you are awesome wolfy :3


I'd like House 7 please, also hello o/


Onstrava is taking house 8


Currently they are just there for deco, but in the next updates you will be able to type in a secret code i tell you via PM, and then inside there will be something where you can bring characters and experience something unique only houseowners will be able to get/see. I just want to give you something special as thank for your awesome support, you can also specify a text that will be on the outside. Of course you are free to give your private code to others or keep it to yourself.


My fine Sir, I would like house 9, if possible. If not, I will have whatever is available!


The House with the number 9 now belongs to you, my very fine Sir :3

Furrier (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-29 13:51:54 ahh sorry cant do that, it already belongs to someone called Katauni &lt;:*)
2020-10-11 20:19:45 ahh sorry cant do that, it already belongs to someone called Katauni <:*)

ahh sorry cant do that, it already belongs to someone called Katauni <:*)


yes the reserved ones are listed at the bottom of the post somewhere up there ^


I'm new here and am not 100% on everything. But if I meet the criteria and can apply for a house number 38 would be nice thx.


the game wont run for me


Just happily donated 10$ and I would like house 22 please. Also, when I go into an animation it looks like it cycles through a bunch of different poses for it. I was just wondering if it's something with my computer or if that's how it runs at the moment. I'm very much looking forward to you continuing this. It looks amazing so far.


Put me down for House #20


Could i get 22?


House 22 is now yours! And yes the animations currently are playing in some kind of random automatic mode, thats because i like to have a High player interaction but not have all animations ready for that, Once i finished the main events the gameplay will be much more interactive, For a taste on what i want for please watch this: https://www.patreon.com/posts/fantasyharem-40278774


Oh no, can you give me an error code or something? If its because its graphics intensive and wont run, i am planning to do a sister game wich works on video basis, a bit like a point and click adventure for the people that are using netbooks.


Sorry 22 is already taken, reserved 24 for you if you want that ♥


Reyner McTavish is taking 23


Hello :) is 39 available ?

Toxobite .

Any houses still available?

Toxobite .

If so I'll take 42


The list is the already reserved ones ^^ you can have 41 if you like?

Toxobite .

I'll take it

Toxobite .

Been my PC background for years




43 would be a tent outside of town :D house 29 would be avaible


35 looks nice!


21 if available


I'd like house no. 33 please.

Tyler Baker

is house 26 still there


i would like house 69 pls


Will there be VR support for this game? That would just be incredible


18 Taken by Patrick


thats the big one in the center top :D You can have 19 and i put a 69 on the wall ok?


is possible, but you would need a very good graphics card for that. Could implement very basic vr support quite easy. Maybe with the next update i provide a experimental VR version to download.


The option would be awesome. I have a 1070 and have never found a vr game it couldnt run, planning on upgrading when the 3070/3080 becomes available.


sorry i made a mistake 27 was already taken reserved 28 for you if that is ok


may i have 29 please?

Jacky Rho

Id like 11 please.




I'm thinking house #16, if I can afford it, haha


28 if possible. :3


Its yours now, house 16 is my secret favorite, but dont tell anyone :x


75 would be a tent in the desert, all houses are gone, but there will be something different next time :3


sorry all houses are gone, but there will be something new when i finished them :)


Sorry captain all are already reserved, will inform you when the next round starts, in the meantime you could send me Commander Data, he would be a good help. :)


sorry all are gone, will let you know when the second round starts :3


Sorry i am afraid all are gone, but dont be sad, you will get your chance on a House soon :3


How do you earn gold in fantasy harem? I cant figure out a way so i can purchase the other fluffies


you just need to open your harem (top left) and wait for customers to use your kitties, then you get gold, or you can just cheat and click three times the bottom right corner :)




i will go for the 40 house


Sorry all houses are already gone, it will take some time but there will be more with the other town in the mountains. :)

Aury Summer

Hello! When switching races, the current animation of the act is not interrupted. Is there a section for describing errors somewhere, so as not to write to the general section?


thank you for the bugreport, do you mean in the general discord channel? There is a Bugreport channel somewhere. With the next release i should do something where all known bugs are listed. I am redoing large chunks of the code, i learned so much since the last release yay, always glad for bugreports thank you :3


I'm for the 38th house, if you don't mind.


Hey ♥ i am sorry all the houses are already gone :c but no worry soon there will be tents in the oasis for taking :3 just remind me then, reserving one for you♥

The Birb King

did you already do house 7 yet?

Tyler Baker

how many feral lions are in the game now ?????????


with 0.9 there are new optional skins like (white lion) and you can have up to two characters "working" on you at the same time, i just really wanna finish frost so i can release it this friday to you. and there are some new features to the fur system like fur collision and better physics yay :3


Just finishing up frost, then 0.9 with all new code characters and animations will follow soon, and with 0.9 onwards will come nightly or at least weekly releases, if you got wishes for harem this would be a good time to let me know as I am in the process of implementing many new features ❤️u


Is there an option to reduce the amount of kitties you have in the game? Let's say for instance you buy 10 or more lions and they're suddenly wandering all over the place. Is there any way to sell them out of the game?


At the moment no, but it's already in the next version implemented, one workaround would be deleting your save game which is inside your app data folder, and then use the cheatmenu to give you your money back. To open it click 3x the bottom right corner :3


Thanks for letting me know. Can't wait until the next version's ready. :)

Jason Aragon

Jesus the glitching of this game is unreal. I don't know if it's my computer or the game because I'm always getting t-pose glitched on the sofa. Is there a way to make the game run smoother than it is? Am I doing this wrong?


Yes pretty alpha and buggy, still learng, solved that performance issue you will see in frost, a workaround for now would be playing in window mode alt+enter 😅

Jason Aragon

This game is looking to be my favorite furry porn game of all time. It has so much potential. Im hoping that the oral sofa scene gets fixed up and perhaps a maybe bit of kitty BUTT fun for the later updates?


Thank you❤️ I am already working on the next version, it has complete new code and will be much better, I've learned very much with this release as well as with frost, more animations are also on the way will put the butty animations higher on my todolist 😼


I noticed the white tiggers are disappearing when you reload the game, even after you save it. The others are fine; just the white tiggers. I swear they're like ghosts.


Thanks for the bug report, I forgot to get them from the save game... Or it's all planned so they can visit you in your dreams 😸

twitch and essie

there seems to be a bit of an error for me. It keeps saying "The code execution cannot proceed because D3DCOMPLIER_43.dll was not found/ Reinstalling the program may fix this problem." I'm not sure how to fix this and it won't let me play the game.


Sorry to hear you have this problem, please try installing the unreal 4 prerequisites.


You can find them in fluffy. 8b/engine/extras/redist/en-us.or of course online if you search for them


Let me know if the error persists, I am already working on a new version which has 100% new code and everything. But that takes a few weeks until it's done. If you get poor framerate with this version please try window mode (alt+enter) and if you like it please also try v0. 1 and 0.3 they have unique animations, I learned ALOT while making them 😸


Is it going to get any more updates?


Yes! I have version 1.0 planned later that year, it's a complete remake and using my new framework. You should also play v0.1 and v0. 3 they have unique animations 🐱


loving the game so far, if i could add an idea in your mind: could we have an input to call/summon all your pets? sometimes i lose track of where are they and how many i have. Also, are you planning to add canides?


It seems like most of the Mashajaja's animations (oral) are not working, they just won't start playing. Can I also know when uptades are gonna be? I really enjoy this project :)


Jea the animations on the sofa are not finished, in freeroam they should all work, the new version is called '' fantasy harem base game'' it's a complete recode, I plan on releasing it later that month, it will be the base game and all my projects are going to be in there as separate package to load. So all my future games are using the same base, makes things a lot easier 🐈


Aww sorry have missed your comment, the next version has a ui where you can check the status and location of your npc's, I remade the way the brothel mode works, you will have much more control over what happens, in the end it should be your fantasy harem, at least I try to archive this feeling, that you are the king 👑