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It's never been about the money, or infinite growth, or fame. I just really enjoy doing the show. However, I’ve been way too busy doing two shows a week; I’m not good at juggling multiple things. I’m not burned out, I just want to avoid burnout.

I want to be able to screw off and watch Miami Vice and Columbo, take a break, and I never really wanted to do two episodes a week. I love researching, writing, even performing. I do not love editing and producing. To that end, I got a producer, which is very cool.

What does this mean for you?

I’m going to transition towards doing one show a week; I’ll finish out the Japan series on the free side, but staggered to every other week. Eventually it'll be something closer to a free episode every month. Certain interviews are better unlocked, so they’ll go on the free feed, for example.

This means episodes, but the average episode will be longer and ideally better researched. One episode a week on the Patreon, no matter what. I always try to make the best episodes I can, but with just one feed to worry about, I’ll work to increase the quality even more.

To give you a little taste of what's to come, coming up we've got more Alan Moore, UFOs, brainwashing, more Q&A questions, Sarfatti and Breen revisited, and Euroterrorism, to say nothing of what's in the primordial stew right now. And there's the episode I wrote while on preworkout that has original research that will blow people away.

People have asked for a Discord, so I’m setting that up. At the end of the day, this is about getting deeper and weirder, and I’m happy to share that with you. 

(art by the harmless individual known as Dakota)




2 shows a week is too much. We want you for the long run.


good call man. i think one longer episode a week (like 1.5 length of an episode) would be 👌 looking forward to the content and keep it up