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This week I'm joined by Pastiche Psyop (@pastichepsyop) to discuss Santa Cruz, the University of Santa Cruz and its very curious psychology department, Thomas Sarbin, Craig Haney, David Marlowe, Frank X Barron, Bert Kaplan, G. William Domhoff, the entirely unrelated Santa Cruz serial killer boom, Ed Kemper, Herb Mullin, especially John Linley Frazier,  and a wide range of very curious topics. It's extremely good.

(part 1 of 2)


Escape from Midwich Valley by Carpenter Brut

Sexkiller on the Loose by Carpenter Brut



jfk truther

Ohta case has similarities to Otero case that was BTK’s first attributed case - USAF patriarch but I don’t think Oteros were wealthy


The only informants who make $300,000 today are those who inform on Muslims for the FBI.


Not to be indentarian but yoooo it’s finally a lady schizoposter!!!!


I did medical transcription for years and I was always surprised how often I typed “cocaine pledgets” which were used especially by ENTs, but probably ophthalmology as well for anesthetic and vasoconstriction before surgical procedures


What’s that song in the first interlude?


am I deranged to connect that animal print "trigger" to the mk ultra animal print trigger thing for the beta sex kitten phenomenon stuff... Like using some sort of electric shock therapy associated with a certain animal print to encourage a person to commit acts against their will or whatever. I could be reaching or I could be preaching. Like also three people? wonder if they were all under this brain washing influence or if some of them were handlers... also all those tarot cards are knights on horseback, like the four horsemen of the apocalypse lmao thats creepy as hell, it goes fire (wands), water (cups), earth (pentacles), air (swords). aquarius is an air sign #ageofaquarius. All of that might mean nothing but when I see a few too many coincedences I start to make a few of my own connections...


Malcolm Lowry talks about cocaine being used topically to treat a certain blindness-inducing eye condition in one of his books, might have been an autobiographical detail.