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Part 1 of 3:

Today I'm joined by a very special guest, Boyd Beaver (@Boyd_Beaver) to discuss one of the weirdest figures in modern history, Alexander Guterma, who was a con man, businessman, figure involved in organized crime, and intelligence asset.

We discuss Isaiah Leebove, Sam Garfield, and the Purple Gang before Boyd establishes (conclusively, in my opinion) Guterma's origins as a Russian Jew whose family resettled in Manchuria. Then, we talk about Guterma's misadventures in China, Hawaii, and the Philippines before Guterma's eventual arrival in Florida. We discuss the nature of collaboration with the Japanese, his contacts with intelligence, and why this would be significant.

Guterma resettled to Florida, and we discuss kenaf at length, and then the long and surprising list of companies he managed to acquire, including the spooked up Hal Roach film studio, and a radio network. All of this leads us to hypothesize that the economy is simply not real.

Songs (largely curated by Boyd Beaver):

Rat by Wiccan Babysitter

We Didn’t Come Here to Rock by AJJ

Misanthropic Drunk Loner by Days n Daze

The New World Order by Defiance, Ohio

Hell is Real by Banjodemon

Kazoo Sonata in C Maj. by AJJ




Fyi Jimmy, all Russian jew have (had?) to register the fact they are jewish in their Russian passports. This caused them not to be able to get promoted to certain high posts in the army, for example.


Came for the pithy discussion, stayed for the music!


Talking about Manchuria as the wild west of Asia reminds me of Pynchon’s Against the Day and the part of that book where they’re wandering through that region and Siberia. Man…now I want to go round three on Against the Day, it’s the most fun, most adventure novel of Pynchon


Damn the shock!! The ethnic group that controls Hollywood, publishing and entertainment has drastically underplayed, underemphasized, and skipped over their role in organized crime and the mafia while putting a magnifying glass on the Italians. I’m sure that wasn’t intentional lol


Great episode, but for future reference, Tsingtao is pronounced Qing-dao. The city today in Pinyin (Roman alphabet used to spell Chinese words) is Qingdao. The brand of beer is older than Pinyin so it retains its old spelling (Tsinghua University is a similar case). Pinyin is significantly more straightforward than the old Wade Giles system!