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62% of the drive goal! And finally an update! I spent last week working through art so the grow drive had to be pushed a week and a half before this update was ready. Just in time for more BS. 😑 So for awhile I was the victim of card fraud, both of those got dealt with (not painlessly), and I did a deep clean of my system, redid passwords everywhere, and just plain started practicing better security all around. (2FA everywhere!).

---tl;dr: SO's account got hit with a fraudulent bank transfer, rent is due and this is a huge headache.----

Well, today, my significant other's account got hit with a bank transfer (not a credit/debit fraud). Just in time for rent due tonight, I needed my SO to pay for half the rent, but I have no idea how fast this will be dealt with. The banker on the phone informed us that if they're not successful in stopping the transfer, that we'd have to go to the bank itself to get it fixed (an 8 hour drive.) I hope it gets fixed but this set off alarms in my head that my network is compromised. Every device is getting scanned in my home. EVERYTHING. but nothing is coming up and that's driving me up the walls that nothing is getting caught. Could even just be a bad bank (internal fraud idk.)


Remember you can find my retrospring on my linktree here! https://linktr.ee/unnamedart1 (*cough throne gifts are counted with a x2 modifier)

An X10 boost was awarded to all prompt answers! 

Game night? What game would you want to play with me?




Man, one thing after another with ya *pat* ... as for games, s'gotta be the good ol' D&D


If tabletop: Of board games, my preferences lean more cooperative than competitive, so Spirit Island or Pandemic is always a solid option. If leaning more traditionalist, there's Quoridor, or Octo, and if feeling more inclined toward something longer form, maybe a playthrough of the Northgard tabletop or Flamecraft, both of which I have sitting on my shelf unplayed as yet. Of wargames, I've enjoyed smaller-scale stuff more than larger scale in a more recent time frame. If cooperative, Kontraband would be something I would be down to teach and build more scenarios for. Otherwise probably something Kill Teams, or Mobile Frame Zero. Of TTRPGs, D&D is always a reasonable fallback, although I'd probably be mildly stubborn and push more for 3.5 (or maybe dip my toes in PF finally), purely on the basis of enjoying the ability to express more concepts through what rules were made available than in later editions. Or maybe dusting off my GURPS references, or finally pushing through on a playtest of my own stuff. If digital: If looking for something long, maybe a Stellaris multiplayer round, or digging into some modded Minecraft. A lot of my to-play list in a recent context has been drifting more single-player, but there's a few options here and there, like Red Solstice 2, Darktide, or Remnant: From the Ashes (looking forward to 2 soon).

Martin Gray

For game nights with new acquaintances, I'd probably hit the local board game cafe and try something new to both of us so that no one has a home advantage (and since the venue is a charity, it helps the community too).

Lord Salwatore

I think it would be cool to play a chill game with you. A mmo or open world game. Relaxing hours with talking and doing quests or building something together.


Not a big gamer, so I'm gonna just go with a nice round of Carcasonne


Deep Rock Galactic. Nice and positive community, offers plenty of fun but plenty of downtime to shoot the breeze too.


Just got my copy of the Monster Hunter World board game, so I'd like to try it out with you and my friends, I guess.


Starwars Jedi survivor