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Thank you all for being patrons! Past month has just been exhausting. I know there wasn't a march update, this is mostly due to being called in for a second job. It's a temporary thing and should be over in the next month or two. (hopefully sooner.)

Likewise, I had a financial issue that resulted in this month's grow drive. There's an update in the works, fell behind as I got the rest of this month's art going.

I'm also pretty tired at the moment from being 7 day straight of work for the past month and a half. 

to sum up the month, I've created the following tally: 41 images were created this month. It's a bit far off from previous high numbers 70ish, but a far cry from my worst months years ago with less than 10.

thank you fall for the support and I hope to see you at the end of May! 




Will you be doing a big link update soon?, everything in one place, think the last one was October time?