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Happy end of January!

I think this month is getting closer to what I would consider a normal month in production and want to keep making strides in pushing towards that. It’s been hard with my new job, but I think I’ve figured out the secret to getting some of my work done. The secret is: go to sleep a few hours earlier than I’d like and wake up a few hours before work to get some of my art done with plenty of energy. Is it the best? Kinda. I like waking up super early, but I’ve essentially sacrificed my afternoon free time. It’s really not too bad aside from having to tell friends I’m going to bed early.

A few days ago I released a survey to get an idea of how I’m doing with my work. The majority of the responses can be summed up into “Keep doing what you’re doing.” The long of what I learned from that is gonna hopefully be used to make my stories a bit better as well as tailoring things just slightly so I can hit that itch a bit better for some of you. There’s also a few things that made me feel a bit bad about how some stories are appearing. I'll also try to clarify.

Before getting into the survey’s, one thing I’m trying to adjust is the structure of my Patreon. The original plan of my art was to have Pin-ups, comics, and animations. However this grew to pin-ups, captions, short stories, comics, and animations. It wasn’t originally like that but the growth of a few things over time resulted in some stuff just being mis-posted. As well, I had my own confusion about what is considered what. So here’s what I’ve decided.

  • Pin-ups: No word bubbles, no accompanying text providing context.
  • Sequences: Occasionally a word bubble or paragraph with a series of images showing a character over time
  • Captions: Occasional word bubble or few sentences to provide some context
  • Short Stories: Series of images accompanied by a paragraph on each image telling a story.
  • Comics: Series of images either alone or placed into a single page accompanied with word bubbles
  • Animations: a gif or video

Maybe you all already knew these things, but I felt I needed to sit down and try and clearly define stuff so I can better place them in their respective tiers.

A major thing I’ve been seeking to amend is the comic catch-up folder. Sorta just dawned on me how to amend it; this really goes hand in hand with my own confusion on my patreon structure. It was originally meant as a place to house comics being made. With short stories and captions slowly being introduced the catch-up sorta just never caught on to include them. I started spending more time on short stories and captions; my workflow for comics makes them a bit more time consuming than short stories/captions. So from now, I’ll be placing short stories and captions in the comic-catch up.

Likewise, I want to be transparent about this, but I’ve been toying with the idea of changing tier prices. I can’t state clearly enough but whatever tier you're currently in will not change in price and anything I change will provide you a grandfathered in price. Primarily, I’ve had the following thoughts.

  • $2 tier moved to $3 and the current $3 tier is discontinued.
  • $5 tier stays as is.
  • $10 tier changes to $15 tier.
  • $40 tier stays as is.

There was mention of me doing a price change to help myself out in the survey, but my concern is that I enjoy having my art accessible within that $2 price so I don’t think I’ll be doing that. I do feel the $3 tier and $5 tier should be merged into one to alleviate some issues I have with them. I did close the $10 tier for a moment this month and created a $15 tier but then realized I can’t back mark old posts to be accessible to the $15 tier; patreon is really unforgiving in that part.

So there’s what I think I could do listed above, but it’s ugly in my opinion to implement. So, I think what I should do is simply, remove the $3 tier (and grandfather anyone in that tier to how I still post for them.) A $15 tier would help me out, but to manually go back and edit every post to be in the $15 tier is just not entirely reasonable.

But I want your feedback for this. The likely thing that’ll occur is that I’m going to echo what is found in the survey and “keep doing what I’m doing” (ie, make no changes)

So some of the stuff found in the survey.

In the first question, to the lack of my surprise %95 of you enjoy breast expansion. The 4 next major things enjoyed were Implants (67%), Mobility issues (66%), Real and Big Boobs (61%), and lactation (50%).  The rest were in the sub 20% range with plenty of smaller things like multi-boobn, ass expansion, weight gain, in the other category. Really I should’ve included some of those in the actually survey, but didn’t think to add them.

For the second question, regarding real time story telling. The overwhelming majority were completely indifferent while there was a near split between those who enjoyed it and those who found it annoying. There was a small handful that found things just a bit unfulfilled and lacking for the progress shots.

Next was a question about the style of images to be seen more of. Short stories and comics were nearly identical at over 70% of the vote, but short stories were the top. Captions and animations were nearly identical too at almost 40%, and pin-ups sit almost at 25%.

This next question was incredibly important to me and I’m relieved to see some of the responses. I do alot of variety of stuff and I do understand that some things are not in the realm of things we can all enjoy, so I was particularly happy to see that over %50 react in a simply ignore way to anything they don’t like. Almost 40% enjoy it despite it not being something they’re into. Less than 3% explain that their support of me comes into question when they see something they don’t like. The remainder eschews things echoing the other categories or simply announce that they can’t say because they enjoy all my work (you’re very sweet.)

Before going further, I do want to apologize to the 3%, and do understand if you cease support.

This next question, unfortunately, has been invalidated. Plenty of the answers answer the question as subjects they currently enjoy instead of subjects they don’t enjoy. I should’ve emphasized that part of the question, but I was able to figure that out since I cross referenced individual answers from the first question. Because of this I was able to get some information about some topics, primarily the question of a character showing they’re not enjoying what they’re experiencing. This mostly relates to the new office girl character. Some spoilers to her character arc so if you don’t want to get spoiled, skip to the next paragraph. Alright here it is, she actually likes it. This character was developed with a friend of mine where the idea of accidentally getting big implants is hot, but to also take some consideration that it’s also really embarrassing when you have a real life and job to think about. She’s gonna come to terms with them, but primarily this gonna be spurred because the implants were experimental. They’re slowly becoming actual breast tissue and the idea of removing them is out of the question. They’ll become less fake looking and more like real breasts as it goes on, but for now, she’s still under the impression that it’s a few days before they’re removed. Then she’ll change her wardrobe, dress more and more revealing etc etc.

Okay, no more spoilers. I agree with the sentiment of a character enjoying what they’re going through. I guess it’s my own failure as a writer/artist to communicate certain emotions and feelings. Primarily the idea of I don’t want these huge breasts (yes I do). So I’m taking this feedback and looking at some of the stuff I’ve written and looking to adjust how I communicate those things (idk if i can or if I can do it well). Maybe it’s my own turmoil in my life seeping through into the writing, but I’m looking to challenge myself into writing more upbeat with the character being in a more empowered position. So that feedback I truly appreciate.

The last question was a fun open ended thing since a lot of you wanted so many different things from my work and made me realize how much I do cater to different tastes. However alot of you wondered if I enjoy my own content and not feel like I’m trying to cater to an audience. Well to answer that, I do enjoy my own content. I try to write and show things in what I’ve craved in other stories, BUT I get bogged down in details or I miss something that would’ve been hotter. Like a busty character just simply getting out of a car, instead I got torn down in the writing or the motives. Instead the image could simply be on it’s own and still be hot. Likewise sometimes I just fail to give them motivation or its absolutely perfect to someone else and they want more.

The survey was interesting to read. On very few occasions it felt like a roast or deconstructing, but all of it will still influence me. I guess one other thing is what do you feel about talking about stories before they develop? For me, I hate when an author talks about something only to change it later. Likewise, I ascribe to The Death of an Author when it comes to any artistic medium. Where if it can’t be interpreted through the work, then it doesn’t exist. But, I’m willing to open that door a bit if it means being more comfortable with my characters.

So the month is coming to an end for me and I’ll be finishing my day on two things. The next set from Freshman 15 is posting today and I’ll be gathering the comic catch up folder with some of the still ongoing short stories from the past year. There was also a patreon survey I recently took part in that said plainly a new gallery system is coming and I'm truly hoping that'll let me have a better flow with how short stories are posted.

I’ve also really gotten ahead of my work queue for requested images from the $10+ tiers. There’s less than a handful from the previous months and a handful from this as well. That’s enough headway that I’m imagining being fully caught up by the end of February. So those tiers should also try to remember to make their requests this month (on the google form posted to the request post) so I can get them done too!

Thank you all for the continued support, things really do feel like things are lifting up for me with my financial issues, so I’m pretty hopeful for 2022 being a much better year than the past 2. I couldn’t have done it without all of you.

That being said, I’ve gotten a shadow ban on twitter for having the gall to post a nude render using their sensitive content tool. My reach has essentially been cut by 90% through that. If you follow me on twitter I’d appreciate retweeting, liking, and commenting on my work to help me. I’m hoping the shadow ban gets lifted soon (shortest it took to lift was like 3 days and the longest was a few weeks). So I’ve also started posting on other sites; my deviantart is semi-active again, I’ve resurrected my tumblr, furaffinity, pillowfort and I’ve created a itaku.ee account




Can't wait for Freshman 15