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Hey everyone, here's a quick survey that I'd appreciate you filling out if you'd like to help me figure out how I'm doing with my art.

I do want to thank everyone who makes sure to like the posts they enjoy, it really lets me know how I'm doing as well as letting me know what everyone would like to see more. Sorry if I post stuff that you might not enjoy and thank you for ignoring those things you may not like.


2022 Survey

Just trying to pick your brain on what you enjoy from my work and what you'd like to see more of. Some of these questions are meant for individuals who are familiar with my patreon or have been following me for some time.



Happy to like what I like and accept there will be things I don't like cause you have many interests


Just hit 100 responses and I've read each of them. If you haven't responded please do! I do want to know how I'm doing. I plan to do a write up on some of the responses in my monthly update