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Vanessa found her prey. A young woman, a barista, probably early 20s, and she recently started working at this coffee shop. Slim, short, a sporty/trendy haircut, and, of-course, ample breasts; all the things Vanessa enjoys. However, most importantly, Vanessa sensed an air of simplicity from the girl. Maybe it came from her youth, or maybe it was from the tone of naivety she bubbled to other customers. Vanessa figured she’d easily fall into her arms.

The exchange started simple enough; a simple monetary transaction at first. Vanessa mentioned that this place was a usual for her and she always took the same drink; a chai latte. She dug for more information to find the new barista just started college recently and this was part time for her. Vanessa dug further, trying to find an in. Eventually the girl hinted a small bit at her sexuality. She talked about the other girls in her class, mentioned them in a glowing manner; Vanessa realized that the barista was at least bisexual.

Vanessa leaned in forward; an attempt for a non-verbal and non-direct communication of interest. The barista followed suit. Whether she realized it or not, she telegraphed her openness in a way Vanessa viewed transparently. 

Vanessa touched the barista’s hand and mentioned the lack of a person to share Valentine’s day with. The barista coyly tried to hold back a smile. The small muscles at the corner of her lips made her answer clear to Vanessa. “So, when do you want to get off?” Vanessa’s velvet tone rolled out in pleasure. The barista clearly misheard the turn of phrase and said her shift ends in 30 minutes; she’d gladly join her for a coffee after then. 

“No, I mean my place,” Vanessa’s tone changed to lift the veil of her intent.

A blush and a nod came from the barista.

Across 30 minutes, Vanessa slowly enjoyed her chai latte, all while reading a business journal. Every few minutes the barista would excitedly look over to Vanessa. Vanessa would give a light look up to the barista. Vanessa’s developed gaze would light up the barista. 

Well over 30 minutes and Vanessa would be leading the barista to her home. The cleanliness of the abode awe-struck the young undergrad. Her voice leading in sentence to compliment Vanessa’s home would be cut short with a sexually aggressive Vanessa.

Her barista clothing still on, Vanessa lowers her onto her living room rug, bussing the barista's lips all the way down. Their quad of large breasts pressing into each other, flanked by caressing arms, and brought up by grinding hips.

Vanessa whispers her demands to be striped by the barista and for the barista to strip as well. Shaking, excited, and aroused, the barista complies, alternating between stripping herself and removing Vanessa’s clothing.

Vanessa planned this night well; these interactions were meant to build desire in her prey. Her tactics alternating between submissive and aggressive to lead the barista while also believing the barista was the leader. However, the barista has been easy so far. Most of her prey need a much finer alternation of the two modes to achieve the goal. 

Vanessa again lifts the veil of the planning of this date, reaching for a conveniently nearby double-tipped dildo. Another effort for conditioning; from a dominant position, Vanessa penetrated the barista. Her leg flexing, her breast squeezed, the barista could feel all the weight behind Vanessa. The barista raised her arm and let out a satisfying moan. The artificial phallus giving her bliss.

Eventually the barista felt a growing intensification from within; she was climaxing. Vanessa slowed her thrusting. The baristas legs twinged as her toes curled. Her arms flexed and grabbed whatever her hands raised at. Her head pressed into the rug and the skin on her breasts manifested goosebumps.

The pink dildo was pulled from the barista’s wet womanhood, and she let out a satisfied sigh. She sat up, and tried to let out a remark, but Vanessa was not done yet.

Forcing the baristas head down into her crotch, Vanessa coo’d that she did not come yet. The barista’s body slumped into the carpet, tired from her own orgasm, but she continued. The barista reached a new sense of arousal she had not yet known. Vanessa used her legs to help push the barista’s head into her, guiding her to specific spots of pleasure. The barista reached up to reciprocate the breast squeeze from earlier and as her fingers felt a mammary to grasp to, her palm touched across Vanessa’s nipples feeling something wet. 

Vanessa began to lactate from the excitement, she felt herself reaching her own climax. She was also sensing the young woman also unlocking new feelings. The barista was clearly now playing with Vanessa’s breast; almost trying to milk it.

Vanessa’s legs locked, pulling in the barista tightly. The barista grinded her hips into the carpet fruitlessly. Vanessa’s moan tells the barista she did her job.

Sitting herself up, the barista rests her body against Vanessa’s legs. Vanessa caresses the abdomen of the barista. As she slowly works a hand down to deliver more pleasure, she feels familiar lips touch her body.

Realizing the barista latched to her breast, Vanessa relaxes her body. 

“And done, she’s mine now.” Vanessa devilishly thinks to herself.



John Rikhter

Great story and pictures! But why does Vanessa's skin tone turn into ash grey when she's inside?


That's an error on my part in my haste to get this up. The lighting set up in the cafe is awesome, while the lighting in Vanessa's home is mostly dim and has me constantly adjusting settings. What ended up happening was that the barista's skin turned up to saturated in this setting letting Vanessa's skin look completely off in comparison. So I went back into some postprocessing and tweaked both the saturation of the Barista's skin as well as Vanessa's skin. Update images should be on the post.