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I want to apologize for the lackluster month I had hoped that in May I would get a break from work.  I've talked about it last month. My day job has really sucked a lot from me. This month I had surgery. In my sleep I would lose my breath and the surgery was to pull out my tonsils.  recovery was very painful.  Only recently have I been able to actually enjoy solid meals. The silver lining of all this is that I was to have two weeks off for recovery from my day job.  I  underestimated the pain I would feel during my recovery process.  I had hoped that I would have the ability to work on my projects and more specifically my art during that time. Instead I focused on recovery and trying to get better.  early in my second week of recovery I started feeling better and I began to work more on my art as well as my side projects like streaming. Unfortunately my significant other became hospitalized this week.  I've explained this before but she suffers from chronic pain from her time in the Navy. This week it became too much for her to deal with so she was hospitalized. To say I am an emotional wreck right now is a complete understatement.

 I wonder if life is trying to conspire against me in some capacity. I don't want to keep saying to myself if I had more time if I just had more time. I don't want to stop my art. It seems that something always comes up or I have some sort of an excuse. this upsets me very much. I know a lot of you are very understanding of my situation but it's hard for myself to be understanding of my own situation. 

I really hope that in my past two weeks of recovery that I could work on more things that didn't seem to be the case. I have a lot of stories that have just Fallen to the Wayside that I haven't been able to work on.  More so my request tier has also fallen behind. I'm failing at this. I've gone through adversity before and each time I was able to still make art. I don't know what's wrong with me now. maybe I'm exhausted. I'm sorry this sounds more like I'm venting, but my heart feels broken.

I got to talk to my significant other yesterday and she sounds like she's doing okay. She sounds weak but she sounds like she's doing okay. I'm told the earliest she can come home is in a week but it could be longer; could be shorter. No one can give me a good answer. Even today I spent all day with what felt like fighting with these staff about clear answers.

I really can't thank you guys enough for your understanding and your continued support. I also understand those of you that want to cease support for me. 

It's hard to focus on the good things right now. At least after my surgery it feels like my Airways have opened up and I can take really good breaths of air.

From all this, I don't have alot to show this month except for these meme images that I could push out in a few minutes while I was recovering.




*big hugs* ;;


Honestly take the time you need, I enjoy your art but your mental wellbeing is much more important than a bunch of 3d images ^^;