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This fucking blows.

So, we've had a new management at my job. Things have been hard there since she took over. We sorta felt like we can't do things how we've always done them. With all that, i've been trying to find a schedule that works for my art. I used to be able to have some time to write or finalize renders, but they kicked me to a open area seating. It was ostraciszing. Then the new management stated pulling me into meetings. I wanted to fly under the radar there, get my job done, do what I had to, and enjoy the work/life balance. New management started feeling I could do more in a higher position; a promotion. Honestly it felt good to be needed, but I also knew what it meant. I did not want to kill my work life balance, even more than how things have been killed.

My significant other lost her job. It made the decision I didn't want to make be the only decision i could take. I took the promotion last month and since then I've lost all my work life balance. Late hours (without extra compensation), working most weekends (4 in a row!), and being given mountains of meetings.

I regret being in this position. I hate that it's another thing. I'm sorry everyone. I'm trying and I appreciate your help. I understand frustrations with me.

I want this to work and I need to dig deep. Years ago, when I first started doing this art, I would wake up at 3 am to make it. I think I need to do that again. I've been practicing that over the past week.

I'm sitting on the script for the rest of cleavage medley, freshman 15, and several others.

I just ask to continue patience, while I figure things out.

Request tiers, expect a DM with the link and a post for this upcoming month in the next week.




Take care of yourself and your significant other first. If they lost a job, they'll need a lot of emotional support right now. The job will work or it won't. Don't stress out over it, just ride the tide and see what's there. If you feel like you need to leave, start a quiet job search. Keep doing your art to relieve stress. Even if it's 15 minutes a day, make time for you. Stay calm, stay centered, rely on family and friends where you can, and just take one deep breath a day. Slow and steady. You can do this.


You got this, keep pushing and find that routine that works ;w;