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The forest seemed perfectly normal at first, and only the movements of the leaves and branches were extremely fascinating to you. Only then did your eyes begin to fill with a strange mist and from behind it you saw a riot of colors that you couldn't even name and capture in the standard palette you remember from the paintings of famous painters. All shapes turned into others, and it seemed to pulsate to the rhythm of some ancient or primal melody, sung through mossy stones and huge tree trunks overgrown with moss and mushrooms.

Hello dear patrons and followers!

Since we're stepping into carnival and New Year celebration I thought it would be a nice time to release a map I had in my mind for a bit longer time. We've been through Spelljammer, planes, generic fantasy maps of course, and into dark future of 41st millennium of warhammer. Where we haven't been yet is Feywild! 

Sure we can have a discussion whether Feywild is a real place or maybe it's this magic forest in our PC's minds after they party hard with the strange stuff they bought from that tabaxi... No matter how, but your PC's may find the way into this strange land of magic and here is the map for any encounter they may have!

What do we have in this magic forest?

FREE map! 

  • Yes, there is a free map with grid and logo, but my gosh, it's 7680x4320!
  • (it's in the attachments or as a link to my webpage with free content)

Tier 1 - Local Hero 

  • Static map in PNG (67MB!)
  • Static map in WEBP (9MB)
  • all gridded and no grid versions
  • Foundry VTT module with all lights, walls set!

Tier 2 - Hero of the Realm 

  • MP4 animated maps (super heavy 360MB, so I don't recommend using it on vtt, rather on beamer or flat TV)
  • WEBM animated maps (optimized for VTT 12MB)
  • all in audio/no audio and grid/no grid versions
  • Static scenery/illustration
  • Foundry VTT module with all lights, walls set!

Tier 3 - Wildshaper 

  • 3D map :)

Tier 4 - Champion 

  • All stuff from Tier 2 and Tier 1 combined into one .zip file, plus
  • Animated scenery/illustration
  • Foundry VTT module with all lights, walls set!

Hope you had a great holiday time with your closest ones. If you have any questions or just want to talk, swing by to our discord sever https://discord.gg/VyC2jsvEBb

Have a great and happy New Year!





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