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"In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war"

This sector of the streets of the inner hive city of Desoleum Prime is reserved for business travelers. For this reason, narrow alleys surrounded by infinitely tall buildings are often a place of settling accounts with local warlords, gangs or newcomers trying to make a deal on usually illegal artifacts.

Hello dear travellers!

This time something completely different from what I usually do. I tried to make a map for a bit narrow group of Warhammer 40k enthusiasts. I'm completely aware, the game is strategy tabletop, but exploring the market couple of years ago I bumped into Dark Heresy rpg system. Fast forward till now, I'm running a game with my gang in this grim - goth - futuristic setting and I'm enchanted with its deep lore. What's more, there are systems for that in Foundry Vtt and Roll20, letting alone playing on flat tv screen ofc.

Anyway, here is the map I made just because I wanted to do something different from typical fantasy themes. Maybe by seeing that, you'll decide to try Dark Heresy or other RPG's in WH40K, who knows? 

Here, maps are in WEBP for static (grid/gridless) and MP4/WEBM for animated. There are Foundry modules too.

Tier 1 Local Hero: static maps 

Tier 2 Hero of the Realm: animated maps 

Tier 3 Wildshapers 

For followers: I always encourage you to have a look on Free maps here. Try it out, check if you like it and if so, join the Heroes!





visit: https://www.patreon.com/dransky visit: https://dranskybattlemaps.com Music: Warhammer 40,000 Mechanicus OST - Children of the Omnissiah



Someone's been playing Darktide