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The Shining (1980) P.mp4 - Shared with pCloud

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Daniel Curry

I’ve actually never seen this either. Looking forward to it.


"This building's an asshole!" -- LOL! I never liked horror movies until I saw The Shining. It is the ultimate slow burn and probably the most suspenseful movie I've ever seen. Even when nothing is happening, the music and slow pace keep the tension high. I've never understood the ending either. I could be wrong, but I don't think it is from an actual event. I think it is just a symbol of the victims or something. The symbolism of the person in the bear suit confuses me the most though lol. What a crazy movie...literally!


This might help as well. Think of the movie as a film about alcoholism and the descent into hell that is for the person as well as for everyone around them that loves the person. The key is when Jack says he'd sell his soul for a drink and the bartender (the hotel) gives it to him and then takes his soul. Remember the line in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" by Chief talking about his father and he said that he didn't drink out of the bottle, the bottle drank him in. The maze, of course, is the trapped alcoholic with no way out on their own and Danny erasing the footsteps was Jack's last chance to follow someone to sobriety and a new life and instead he died. Yes, there are other supernatural elements to the story, but I think when you watch it through the lens of alcoholism, the movie makes a lot of sense. FWIW, the book dives into this deeper into that aspect. It's a great movie and a great book and your reaction, as usual, was great. Peace, Mike. Love your channel.


Very cool perspective. I never thought about the story like that. I did hear that Stephen King gave Kubrick liberties to re-imagine things from the book, but got upset with how far/different Kubrick took things. From what I've read, Stephen King even said that he hated the movie because it was so different. I've never read the book though so if that focuses more on alcoholism that would explain a lot.


I just watched this movie recently, because I'm in a mission, my mission is read all the Stephen King's books. So I readed the book, and then watched the movie. The movie is great, the acting of Jack Nicholson is amazing. But well, the book is better of course, specially the final part. I don't like how Jack die in the movie. But well, I always enjoy books and movies like differents things, is better hahaha... I was to write something about the end, but maybe is a spoiler, because this movie have a continuation, the movie is Doctor Sleep. I don't write so much because I'm practicing my english hahaha I love your reactions!