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Dunkirk (2017) P.mp4 - Shared with pCloud

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Tracy Frazier

You are definitely correct. The movie is confusing the first time. You have to keep your eyes on the screen the entire movie. The subtitles tell you the beach, rescue boat, and air scenes are told on different time scales. The Navy Admiral (he is actually a commander) you liked so much is a famous British actor, Kenneth Branagh, so I’d say you can spot talent. If you are interested in learning more about this time in the war, I suggest you watch Darkest Hour. It is a drama about Churchill deciding whether the British should negotiate with Hitler or fight on, with invasion being the most likely outcome after Dunkirk. It is a slower drama, but you will learn a lot.


Thank you Tracy I will definitely watch out for more Kenneth Branagh movies! Darkest Hour may have to be put on the list as well.


Some quick context into what happened just before, and after the Battle of Dunkirk: When Hitler invaded Poland in September 1939, France and Britain declared war on Germany. Poland was conquered and then several months went by without any major fighting, a period known as the "Phoney War". Finally on May 10th, 1940 Hitler launched a massive invasion of western Europe with 3 million men, attacking France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Holland simultaneously. Hitler sent part of his forces through Belgium to attack northern France. When this happened the entire British Expeditionary Force and part of the French Army rushed north to meet the invasion head on. However, this was a diversion. While 30 German divisions were luring the Allies into a trap, the real attack came further south. 60 German divisions smashed through the heavily wooded Ardennes Forest, where nobody expected an attack to come, especially not with tanks. Even many within the German high command considered it crazy. The main attack swept across the center of France and reached the Atlantic coast, cutting the country in half. The British and French troops in the north were cut off from the rest of the French Army in the south. The trapped British and French troops were then pushed back to the English Channel at Dunkirk, surrounded by 800,000 German soldiers. While the evacuations were a success, the British had to abandon all of their equipment before being flung off the continent. France fell soon after. We should also remember the nearly 18,000 French soldiers who couldn't evacuate and died holding the defensive perimeter so that the men on the beaches could be rescued. Hitler then began planning "Operation Sea Lion", the cross-channel invasion of Great Britain. Before invading the British Isles, Hitler had to gain naval and air superiority across the Channel. The British denied him of both after winning the Battle of Britain, the largest aerial battle in history. For the next year Winston Churchill's British Empire and Commonwealth was the lone power standing up to Hitler, until the Soviets and Americans entered the war in June and December 1941 respectively. Also, cool fact: Dunkirk was the largest seaborne evacuation in history until 9/11/2001 with the Great Boatlift of 9/11. When the towers were attacked, they shut down all the tunnels and bridges as a pre-caution and many ran towards the water. Very reminiscient of Dunkirk, the US Coast Guard put a call out to all civilian ships in the area to help out. While 330,000 French and British soldiers were rescued at Dunkirk over 9 days, just over 500,000 Americans were rescued from lower Manhattan by both civilian and Coast Guard ships in just 9 hours.